VS 2017 and VS2019 coupling

  • Thread starter Thread starter Geoyar
  • Start date Start date



This is about strange coupling between Tools/options/Fonts in Community editions of VS 2017 and VS 2019 under Win7 Pro SP1.

First, Screenshots.

This is VS 2017 Community


And this is for VS2019:


The same font settings and the same size font samples, and very different text size in tab wells.

More to it: change font size in one IDE, and font size will be changed in the second IDE. Also, you cannot open Tools\Options\Fonts.. in two IDEs in the same time. The second clicked will show waiting (processing) cursor and wait till the first selected will be closed.

Working with projects in open in the same time is absolutely normal (I test and used it on VC++ MFC projects.)

I have VS 20015 Community and VS2013 installed on my machine. I have observed no anomalies there, all looks as on VS 2019.

Version of VS 2017 is 15.9.10, VS 2-19 is 16.0.2. The coupling was observed since moment of installation VS 2019, with VS 2017 installed some two years ago

Only C++ with MFC was installed on all VS versions.

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