How to Marshal the struct array to the pointer?

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I am importing the C++ dll to send sms/mms message to the mobile device.

With this dll, I can send sms to the multiple mobile devices,

but having difficulty in marshaling.

This is the example code in C++

OBSIReceiver receivers[1];
strcpy_s(receivers[0].szName, CStringA(m_strReceiverName));
strcpy_s(receivers[0].szPhoneNumber, CStringA(m_strReceiverPhone));
msg.pReceivers = receivers;
msg.ulReceiverCount = _countof(receivers);

msg.pReceivers is the pointer of the receivers struct array,

so I need to marshal the struct array in C#, to use this dll in winform application.

This is my code that I have implemented with.

OBSIMessage msg = new OBSIMessage();
OBSIReceiver[] receivers = new OBSIReceiver[phoneNumberList.Count];
OBSISendResult result = new OBSISendResult();

msg.szSubject = strTextTitle; //제목
msg.szCallbackNumber = callbackNumber; //회신 번호

for (int i = 0; i < phoneNumberList.Count; i++)
receivers.szName = receiverName;
receivers.szPhoneNumber = phoneNumberList;

msg.ulReceiverCount = (UInt32)phoneNumberList.Count;
//Process of Marshalling, to pass the parameter to the C++ function.
IntPtr[] ptrReceivers = new IntPtr[phoneNumberList.Count];
for (int j = 0; j < phoneNumberList.Count; j++)
IntPtr pReceiver = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OBSIReceiver)));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(receivers[j], pReceiver, false);
ptrReceivers[j] = pReceiver;

msg.pReceivers = ptrReceivers[0];

but this code only works when phoneNumberList count is 1.

What can I do?

I wish someone can help me.

Have a good day, and Thanks for the reading.

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