Web API and Identity authentication and authorization

  • Thread starter Thread starter MarkCallaway
  • Start date Start date


Hi, I am trying to create a simple Web API with a controller based on a single model class and authorize the controller's actions through Identity's "roles" stored in a database.

I've added AddIdentity in the Startup.cs, created two user roles and tried to authorize an action so that it can be specifically accessed by users with one of the two roles. However, no matter what I try to use to test it, my request doesn't even enter the the specified action (presumably because I am trying to enter the action "anonymously"). So far I tried using Postman and Swagger UI, neither of which provided me with a proper response.

The action that I am trying to access would be this one:

// GET api/media
[Authorize(Roles = "Member")]
public IEnumerable<Media> Get()
return _mediaData.Get();

Here's how I added Identity support in the Startup.cs class:

services.AddIdentity<User, Role>(config => { config.SignIn.RequireConfirmedEmail = false; })

What I expected was a JSON object, but as a result Swagger provides me with an error which states that it was expected for me to login, but I am not sure how I can do that. I suppose I need to learn more stuff regarding the SignIn and UserManager, but I have no idea how I would "login and open a session" (that's what I assume would solve the problem) and I've been unable to find any resource explaining how to do it, much less how get the result via Postman or Swagger UI.

I presume that I need to create a controller that will work with accounts (login, register, logout) and that I need to login to the API first and then access the action, but I can't think of a way to do it. The above code was enough when I put it directly in a .NET Core MVC app, but not when I make a Web API which I try to access via Postman, Swagger or a WinForms application (using Flurl or anything else).

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