Can anyone help me understand how to get VS2019 (16.0.4) to basically just leave my code alone?
I have unchecked the option (in the c# text editor) to "automatically format code on paste" because I don't want it changing my code - AT ALL. But then if I copy/paste code that has indented lines, using tabs (which VS converts to 4 spaces as I want), VS UN-formats it COMPLETELY - all justified left, my tabs/spaces removed. And if I leave the option checked then it RE-formats the code. I have tried to turn OFF every option I could find related to auto-formatting. I just want my code the way I write it, period. Is it even possible?
(This has been an issue since long before 2019, and I've read many posts that span many years about the issue.)
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I have unchecked the option (in the c# text editor) to "automatically format code on paste" because I don't want it changing my code - AT ALL. But then if I copy/paste code that has indented lines, using tabs (which VS converts to 4 spaces as I want), VS UN-formats it COMPLETELY - all justified left, my tabs/spaces removed. And if I leave the option checked then it RE-formats the code. I have tried to turn OFF every option I could find related to auto-formatting. I just want my code the way I write it, period. Is it even possible?
(This has been an issue since long before 2019, and I've read many posts that span many years about the issue.)
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