.Net 4 Framework Exception languages

  • Thread starter Thread starter Adagio1
  • Start date Start date



I have a problem here that is driving me nuts. The problem here is that all exception messages in Visual Studio is in danish. After a lot of searching around, I found many possible solutions, but none of them works

Here's what I have done so far:

At my work I got a MS Surface with danish Windows 10 installed. Naturally the first thing I do is install the English language.

Under Settings \ Time and Language \ Language the Windows display language is set to English

Under Settings \ Time and Language \ Region the country is set to United States and the regional format is set to English (Denmark)

I have tried to set the language in Visual Studio 2017 to English

It's obvious that I'm missing something, but I can't find other places to set language. Everything is in English, except for the exceptions

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