Detect and select COM port

  • Thread starter Thread starter okrus
  • Start date Start date



My C# app controls two stepper with two different Arduinoes, each with its own COM port. I want the app to connect to the correct COM port automatically.

1. C# must first find all available COM ports.

2. Send a string "s" to all available COM ports and only use the two COM ports that respond with "Elevation" and "Azimuth".

For example .... If C# sends a string "s" to COM3 and and COM3 responds with "Azimuth" then AzimuthPort.PortName = "COM3";. My problem is that I can find all available COM ports, but I can't send them a command because the same COM port cannot be accessed from multiple locations.

private void detectCOMPort()
detectPort = new SerialPort();
// Get a list of available COM ports
string[] ports = SerialPort.GetPortNames();
// Display each port name
foreach (string port in ports)
detectPort.PortName = port;

String compare = detectPort.ReadExisting();

if (compare == "Elevation")
myPort.PortName = port;
if (compare == "Azimuth")
myPort2.PortName = port;
Any help would be appreciated.

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