Printing a Pos Receipt in

  • Thread starter Thread starter madmabs
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Hello guys I have a question and its on this project am working on . I have developed the application and I wish for the application to print out receipts via a pos printer.

I can generate and preview the receipt which turns up fine and I can send it directly to the printer, but when I send it to the printer all the characters are all scattered on the paper roll and there isn't any alignment as compared to when I try previewing it.

Note: am using a star printer (SP742), the system communicates well with printer, although I used I used a Generic/Text only to driver the printer which still runs it well.

Here is what I have in code to generate the receipt and send it directly to the Pos Printer.


' Print immediately.

' Make a PrintDocument object.

DimPrint_Document AsPrintDocument= PreparePrintDocument()

' Print immediately.



'creating the print format

PrivateFunctionPreparePrintDocument() AsPrintDocument

'this functions prepares and handle the print format, size and structure and print document object

'Make the printDocument Object

DimPrint_Document AsNewPrintDocument


Dimmm2hin AsDouble= 25.4 * 100

'mm2hin - This Function Translates Millimeters to Half inches

DimpkCustomSize1 AsNewPaperSize("Snap Paper", CInt(80 / mm2hin), 0)

'paper size is set for any measurment my paper was 80mm wide with no end...

Dimmargins AsNewMargins(CInt(5 / mm2hin), CInt(5 / mm2hin), 0, CInt(10 / mm2hin))

'sets the margins t0 5mill left and right and 10mill at the top

Print_Document.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Margins = margins

Print_Document.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = "EPSON TM-T70 Receipt"

Print_Document.DocumentName = "Ticket"

Print_Document.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = pkCustomSize1


AddHandlerPrint_Document.PrintPage, AddressOfprint_Printpage


'install the printpage event handler

'Return the Object



then I created a private function setting up the page alignments and position of the contents

PrivateSubprint_Printpage(ByValsender AsObject, ByVale AsSystem.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs)

companyPhone1Height = Convert.ToSingle(CompanyPhone1.GetHeight)

DimTextbox1font AsNewDrawing.Font("Tahoma", 14, Drawing.FontStyle.Bold)

DimxPos AsSingle= 0 '(horizontal positioning/alignment)

DimxPoscenter AsSingle= 0 '(for centering text)

DimyPos AsSingle= 20 '(vertial positioning/alignmemt margin with a 70units start off in this case for the image or logo)

DimSize AsSystem.Drawing.SizeF'

DimxPosmargin AsSingle= 15 '(horizontal positioning/alignment margins)

Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString(companyNameText1, CompanyName1)


xPoscenter = ((e.PageBounds.Width * e.Graphics.PageScale) / 2) - (Size.Width / 2)


e.Graphics.DrawString(companyNameText1, CompanyName1, Drawing.Brushes.Black, xPoscenter, yPos)

yPos = CSng(yPos + Size.Height * 1.0)

Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString(CompanyNameText2, CompanyName2)

'Now lets center this text

xPoscenter = ((e.PageBounds.Width * e.Graphics.PageScale) / 2) - (Size.Width / 2)

'Now this line draws the text as string and sets a font to use

e.Graphics.DrawString(CompanyNameText2, CompanyName2, Drawing.Brushes.Black, xPoscenter, yPos)

yPos = CSng(yPos + Size.Height * 1.0

Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString(CompanyAddText1, CompanyAdd1)

'Now lets center this text

xPoscenter = ((e.PageBounds.Width * e.Graphics.PageScale) / 2) - (Size.Width / 2)

'Now this line draws the text as string and sets a font to use

e.Graphics.DrawString(CompanyAddText1, CompanyAdd1, Drawing.Brushes.Black, xPoscenter, yPos)

yPos = CSng(yPos + Size.Height * 1.0)

............ and so on


So what am I doing wrong , why are the characters scattered all over the page, why are they not aligned on the roll like when I preview it

Thanks in advance


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