Updating database via dgv doesn't work in some cases

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kevin993
  • Start date Start date



I'm facing a wired issue.

I use the code below to populate a dgv :

Public adapter As OleDbDataAdapter
Public dt As DataTable

Dim conn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & Application.StartupPath & "\datasource.mdb;Persist Security Info=False;")

Sub loadINFO()

dt = New DataTable()
Dim selectSql = "select * from Table1 "
adapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(selectSql, conn)
dgv.DataSource = dt


End Sub

Then I change some values in the cells programmatically (via looping through dgv cells and if conditions true , some changes happen)

After changing values in some cells, I can see those changes in dgv (sure that some of its cells now have new values).

Then I call the following sub :

Sub UpdateDatabase()

Dim scb = New OleDbCommandBuilder(adapter)

End sub

Sometimes it doesn't work and sometimes it works!

I understood that if I'm about to change first row's cells and then call for updateDatabase , it doesn't work. I have to manually click on dgv (clicking on any other cells or rows) and then call for updateDatabase, then it seems to work.

I guess this issue is only about the first row. I tested other rows and it seems to work.

What could be the reason? How can i make sure that in future updating database works regardless of clicking dgv or ... .

P.S I need to make my dgv invisible, and disabled (making sure that users do not manually reach and edit values)

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