Cant provision a computer for driver deployment and testing (WDK 10)

  • Thread starter Thread starter MiguelCosta94
  • Start date Start date



In order to remotly debug a driver, I followed the Microsoft's tutorial "Provision a computer for driver deployment and testing (WDK 10)" for setting up the host and target computers. However, I'm not able to provision the target computer as Visual Studio always returns a series of errors:

[14:16:57:971]: [Installing .NET Framework (possible reboot)] Command Line:
%SystemDrive%\DriverTest\Setup\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe /q /norestart /log %SystemDrive%\DriverTest\Logs\DotNetInstall.log
Result file "%SystemDrive%\DriverTest\Logs\DotNetInstall*.log" could not be retrieved from the target machine. Error: An error occurred on the target machine while retrieving a file.
Error code: 123

[14:17:13:696]: An error occured while deploying files to the target machine for test "Configuring kernel debugger settings (possible reboot)": Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.21.27702\debug_nonredist\X64\Microsoft.VC141.DebugCRT'..
Task result status updated: Fail
[14:17:13:696]: ERROR: Task "Configuring kernel debugger settings (possible reboot)" failed to complete successfully. Look at the logs in the driver test group explorer for more details on the failure.
Progress event: Current: 13, Max: 15, Message: " ERROR: Task "Configuring kernel debugger settings (possible reboot)" failed to complete successfully. Look at the logs in the driver test group explorer for more details on the failure."
Result completed
Test process exit code: 0

Do you know how can I fix this?

Best regards,

Miguel Costa

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