Hi , I have no much experience using chart control.
I have test data that I am using for a CPK estimation. For the CPK, 50 data measurements, I have the average, Standard Deviation, LSL and USL (Limits of my Data)
I have made several tries with the SereisChartType.Column and Bar but I cant manage to set it up as data distribution or histogram chart
My objective is:
I want to use the chart control to show my data distribution i.e. histogram/bar chart which the height of the bars is proportional to the frequencies(normal distribution). I want to show my data distribution in a range maybe showing USL,LSL and Average with some vertical lines.
1.I am not sure which type of series type I should use:
chart.Series[SeriesHistogram].ChartType =System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType.Column; or Bar
2. How to set up the chart with my data so I can get a bar plot with:
-In the x axis : the range of the values of my data ( the measurements)
-In the y axis( the height of the bars): the height of the bars will represent the frequency of my data ( higher with the values are repeated more).
3.For a line plot i used:
For (inti = 0; i < NumberOfDataValues; i++)
but how should I set the data to plot the bars in data distribution way??
thanks and regards
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I have test data that I am using for a CPK estimation. For the CPK, 50 data measurements, I have the average, Standard Deviation, LSL and USL (Limits of my Data)
I have made several tries with the SereisChartType.Column and Bar but I cant manage to set it up as data distribution or histogram chart
My objective is:
I want to use the chart control to show my data distribution i.e. histogram/bar chart which the height of the bars is proportional to the frequencies(normal distribution). I want to show my data distribution in a range maybe showing USL,LSL and Average with some vertical lines.
1.I am not sure which type of series type I should use:
chart.Series[SeriesHistogram].ChartType =System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType.Column; or Bar
2. How to set up the chart with my data so I can get a bar plot with:
-In the x axis : the range of the values of my data ( the measurements)
-In the y axis( the height of the bars): the height of the bars will represent the frequency of my data ( higher with the values are repeated more).
3.For a line plot i used:
For (inti = 0; i < NumberOfDataValues; i++)
but how should I set the data to plot the bars in data distribution way??
thanks and regards
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