Access value from a class to use in a form.cs

  • Thread starter Thread starter skular
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Hello guys,

I am trying to get access to a value that happens in another class and make use of that value to run a while loop in Form1.cs I have tried a few things but have no success and unsure how to use getters/setters in a situation like such. Ultimately I want to take that 750 value in CountValue and use it as the basis for my loop. Any help/direction would be greatly appreciated.

Here is my Class:

public class LabJackT4
#region Public Property
private double myCountValue = 0;

#region .ctor
public LabJackT4()
//Set Default Value
//this.CountValue = 0;

public double MyCount
get { return myCountValue; }
protected set { myCountValue = CountValue; }

#region T4 Handle Definitions
int handle = 0;
int devType = 0;
int conType = 0;
int serNum = 0;
int ipAddr = 0;
int port = 0;
double voltage = 0;
public double CountValue = 0;
int maxBytesPerMB = 0;
string ipAddrStr = "";

#region Public Methods
public void ConvertFromDAC()
LJM.OpenS("ANY", "ANY", "ANY", ref handle);
LJM.GetHandleInfo(handle, ref devType, ref conType, ref serNum, ref ipAddr, ref port, ref maxBytesPerMB);
LJM.NumberToIP(ipAddr, ref ipAddrStr);

catch (LJM.LJMException c)
//if (devType == LJM.CONSTANTS.dtT4)
string name = "AIN0";
LJM.eReadName(handle, name, ref voltage);
//CountValue = voltage / 0.0048828125;
CountValue = 750;

Here is my form1.cs

private void AtgmButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void AdjustLaser()
//double intensity;
double mycount = labjackT4.myCountValue;
while (labjackT4.myCountValue < 2000)

if (labjackT4.myCountValue > 500)
//intensity = 0.3;
//Console.WriteLine("This button works for 3.3v!");
//intensity = 0.2;
//Console.WriteLine("This button works for 2.0!");
Console.WriteLine("This button works!");

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