Mutual interference occur between multiple timer

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jeff0803
  • Start date Start date


My program creates multiple timers(System.Timers.Timer)

Each timer in the main program(CompoundTimer) calls the static method which handle the value passed from the main program(This static method is in the static class and compiled as a separate dll(Common.dll))

When I create first timer and then create second timer without delay, the value is not increased sequentially.

However I put the sleep() between first timer and second timer, the value is increased sequentially.

Judging by this symptom, mutual interference seems to occur between each timer.

Here is the source code and result.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace CompoundTimer
static public class Common
static public int GetIncreasedTotal(int value)
value = value + 1;
return (value);
static public void WriteLog(string message)
using (System.IO.StreamWriter file =
new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"C:\CSharpSample\CompoundTimer\bin\Release\Log.txt", true))
file.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " " + message);

using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace CompoundTimer
public partial class Form1 : Form
System.Timers.Timer tt1;
System.Timers.Timer tt2;
private int value = 0;
public Form1()

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
tt1 = new System.Timers.Timer();
tt1.AutoReset = false;
tt1.Interval = 1000;
tt1.Elapsed += OnTimedEvent1;
tt1.AutoReset = true;
tt1.Enabled = true;

System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100);//<========= result is different according to the existence of this line

tt2 = new System.Timers.Timer();
tt2.AutoReset = false;
tt2.Interval = 1000;
tt2.Elapsed += OnTimedEvent2;
tt2.AutoReset = true;
tt2.Enabled = true;
private void OnTimedEvent1(Object source, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
value = Common.GetIncreasedTotal(value);
Common.WriteLog("OnTimedEvent1 : " + value.ToString());
private void OnTimedEvent2(Object source, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
value = Common.GetIncreasedTotal(value);
Common.WriteLog("OnTimedEvent2 : " + value.ToString());

With Sleep(100), the value is increased sequentially like following.

3:51:31 PM OnTimedEvent1 : 1
3:51:31 PM OnTimedEvent2 : 2
3:51:32 PM OnTimedEvent1 : 3
3:51:32 PM OnTimedEvent2 : 4
3:51:33 PM OnTimedEvent1 : 5
3:51:33 PM OnTimedEvent2 : 6
3:51:34 PM OnTimedEvent1 : 7
3:51:34 PM OnTimedEvent2 : 8
3:51:35 PM OnTimedEvent1 : 9
3:51:35 PM OnTimedEvent2 : 10
3:51:36 PM OnTimedEvent1 : 11
3:51:36 PM OnTimedEvent2 : 12
3:51:37 PM OnTimedEvent1 : 13
3:51:37 PM OnTimedEvent2 : 14
3:51:38 PM OnTimedEvent1 : 15
3:51:38 PM OnTimedEvent2 : 16
3:51:39 PM OnTimedEvent1 : 17
3:51:39 PM OnTimedEvent2 : 18

However, without sleep(100), the value is not sequentially increased.

I guess there was some mutual intterference between those two timers.

Here is the result.

3:48:07 PM OnTimedEvent1 : 1
3:48:08 PM OnTimedEvent1 : 3
3:48:09 PM OnTimedEvent2 : 6
3:48:10 PM OnTimedEvent1 : 7
3:48:11 PM OnTimedEvent2 : 10
3:48:12 PM OnTimedEvent2 : 12
3:48:13 PM OnTimedEvent1 : 13
3:48:14 PM OnTimedEvent1 : 15
3:48:15 PM OnTimedEvent1 : 17
3:48:16 PM OnTimedEvent2 : 19
3:48:17 PM OnTimedEvent1 : 20
3:48:18 PM OnTimedEvent1 : 22
3:48:19 PM OnTimedEvent2 : 25
3:48:20 PM OnTimedEvent1 : 26
3:48:21 PM OnTimedEvent1 : 28
3:48:22 PM OnTimedEvent1 : 29
3:48:23 PM OnTimedEvent2 : 32
3:48:24 PM OnTimedEvent2 : 34
Is there any way to make it work correctly without sleep()?

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