I have a .net visual basic application which opens an excel spreadsheet, processes data, and then closes the spreadsheet. When I execute the code to close the worksheet, excel displays a save as dialog box. I am not making any changes to any data in the spreadsheet and the application does everything I intend it to do. How do I get excel to just close without asking to save the worksheet?
I Import Microsoft.Office.Interop
Here is the code I am executing:
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet
xlApp = New Excel.Application
xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(xlsFileName)
xlWorkSheet = xlWorkBook.ActiveSheet
Dim range As Excel.Range
range = xlWorkSheet.UsedRange
numberOfDataRecords = range.Rows.Count
numberOfColumns = range.Columns.Count
Dim column_PLAN_ID As Integer = 0
Dim column_VPA_LOCATION As Integer = 0
Dim column_VPA_MEMBER_ID As Integer = 0
Dim column_USER_NAME As Integer = 0
Dim column_WEB_PASSWORD As Integer = 0
Dim columnHeading As String = ""
Dim x As Integer = 0
For x = 1 To numberOfColumns
columnHeading = xlWorkSheet.Cells(1, x).value
If columnHeading.Length > 0 Then
columnHeading = columnHeading.Trim()
End If
If columnHeading = "PLAN_ID" Then
column_PLAN_ID = x
If columnHeading = "VPA_LOCATION" Then
column_VPA_LOCATION = x
If columnHeading = "VPA_MEMBER_ID" Then
column_VPA_MEMBER_ID = x
If columnHeading = "USER_NAME" Then
column_USER_NAME = x
If columnHeading = "WEB_PASSWORD" Then
column_WEB_PASSWORD = x
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
For x = 2 To numberOfDataRecords
participantPlanID(x - 1) = xlWorkSheet.Cells(x, column_PLAN_ID).value
participantLocation(x - 1) = xlWorkSheet.Cells(x, column_VPA_LOCATION).value
participantMemberID(x - 1) = xlWorkSheet.Cells(x, column_VPA_MEMBER_ID).value
participantUserID(x - 1) = xlWorkSheet.Cells(x, column_USER_NAME).value
participantPassword(x - 1) = xlWorkSheet.Cells(x, column_WEB_PASSWORD).value
jonathan small
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I Import Microsoft.Office.Interop
Here is the code I am executing:
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet
xlApp = New Excel.Application
xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(xlsFileName)
xlWorkSheet = xlWorkBook.ActiveSheet
Dim range As Excel.Range
range = xlWorkSheet.UsedRange
numberOfDataRecords = range.Rows.Count
numberOfColumns = range.Columns.Count
Dim column_PLAN_ID As Integer = 0
Dim column_VPA_LOCATION As Integer = 0
Dim column_VPA_MEMBER_ID As Integer = 0
Dim column_USER_NAME As Integer = 0
Dim column_WEB_PASSWORD As Integer = 0
Dim columnHeading As String = ""
Dim x As Integer = 0
For x = 1 To numberOfColumns
columnHeading = xlWorkSheet.Cells(1, x).value
If columnHeading.Length > 0 Then
columnHeading = columnHeading.Trim()
End If
If columnHeading = "PLAN_ID" Then
column_PLAN_ID = x
If columnHeading = "VPA_LOCATION" Then
column_VPA_LOCATION = x
If columnHeading = "VPA_MEMBER_ID" Then
column_VPA_MEMBER_ID = x
If columnHeading = "USER_NAME" Then
column_USER_NAME = x
If columnHeading = "WEB_PASSWORD" Then
column_WEB_PASSWORD = x
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
For x = 2 To numberOfDataRecords
participantPlanID(x - 1) = xlWorkSheet.Cells(x, column_PLAN_ID).value
participantLocation(x - 1) = xlWorkSheet.Cells(x, column_VPA_LOCATION).value
participantMemberID(x - 1) = xlWorkSheet.Cells(x, column_VPA_MEMBER_ID).value
participantUserID(x - 1) = xlWorkSheet.Cells(x, column_USER_NAME).value
participantPassword(x - 1) = xlWorkSheet.Cells(x, column_WEB_PASSWORD).value
jonathan small
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