I am retrieving the machine details from a JSON file like that, following deserialization:
string host2 = currentList[1].IPaddress;
string username2 = currentList[1].username;
string password2 = currentList[1].password;
string remoteDirectory2 = currentList[1].sourcefolder;
string localDirectory2 = currentList[1].destfolder;
string filextension2 = currentList[1].filextension;
string removedownloaded2 = currentList[1].removedownloaded.ToString();
This is my json string structure.
"Record": 2,
"IPaddress": "",
"Machinename": "taurus",
"username": "root",
"password": "root",
"sourcefolder": "/home/root/bin",
"destfolder": "D:/DataProfiler_Nautitech/Files",
"filextension": ".sh",
"removedownloaded": 1
The target is like below:
1. Connect to SFTP server.
2. Download files to local server.
3. If removedownloaded == 1, delete those files.
4. If removedownloaded == 0, keep those files.
I have tried below method
if (removedownloaded2 == "1")
//First method
//Second method
//Third method
but none of these deleted any files.
This is the full code: (failed!)
using (SftpClient sftp2 = new SftpClient(host2, username2, password2))
Console.WriteLine("Machine 2 - Connected");
var files = sftp2.ListDirectory(remoteDirectory2);
foreach (var file in files)
string remoteFileName = file.Name;
if ((file.Name.EndsWith(filextension2)))
using (Stream file1 = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(localDirectory2, remoteFileName)))
string path = remoteDirectory2 + "/" + remoteFileName;
sftp2.DownloadFile(path, file1);
if (removedownloaded2 == "1")
catch (Exception er1)
//MessageBox.Show("An exception has been caught " + er1.ToString());
catch (Exception entry)
// sftp2.Disconnect();
Any thoughts on how to delete files after downloading them? Thanks in advance for any help.
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