Having trouble handling HScroll events of Slider control properly.

  • Thread starter Thread starter somildwiwedi
  • Start date Start date


I am working on creating a single dialog multi window video playback application using libvlc.I have taken help from VLCWrapper - A Little C++-wrapper Around libvlc.
I have made some progress in terms of the playing multiple videos at the same time.The video information is stored in a text file having name,starttime,endtime structure.The timeline can differ for each media.
I have created an array of vlc instance pointers and storing media information in that.
What I need to do now is to have a slider control which runs from min/max time and plays media from file when the position is equal to the time in the file.I am able to do that.
The problem I am facing is in setting the correct position,synchronization and slider events.
Here is what I have tried till now..
void SetControlsPosition()
if(m_nMinusTimer == m_nMediaTimeDiff)//m_nMediaTimediff is diff of file time
CString sMedia = get<2>(MediaVector[DiffIndex]);
m_nMediaTimeDiff = get<0>(MediaVector[DiffIndex])-get<0>
m_nMinusTimer = 0;
//Media1 start time = 11:30:15 Media2 start time = 11:30:30 then m_nMediaTimeDiff = 15
//MediaVector has the contents of media information and is a vector of tuples
//pStaticArr is static control array created at runtime
//DiffIndex index for the time diff calculation
//Now setting the slider control
nMediaLen = PMediaInstArr[0]->GetMediaLength();//returns media len in millisec
long newpos = PMediaInstArr[0]->GetTime();//current time in millis
CTimeSpan len(static_cast<time_t>(nMediaLen /1000);
CTimeSpan actualPos(static_cast<time_t>(newpos /1000);
CTimeSpan newTime = StartTimeStamp+actualPos;
CTimeSpan TimeInterval= EndTimeStamp - StartTimeStamp;
int nNewPosForSlider = nMediaLen ?static_cast<int>((static_cast<double>
m_Slider.SetPos(nNewPosForSlider );
Now this works as intended for a single media which I play separately.
My question is how can I make it work for more than one media in the Hscroll event handler.What I am doing there is

int i=0;



//I calculate the cureent elapsed time

//I calculate the total interval time (max-min)

//I set the time of the media

//Set the position here

/here i have problem with more than one media unable to think how to go about it.


I want to make it like a video debriefing kind of application.How do I handle HScroll events for slider for multiple medias.


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