I am writing VB.NET code (Windows Forms) for displaying Windows Services. I can get ServiceName, DisplayName, Status, StartType, but cannot "Description". How can I get it?

Here's my code for displaying services in DataGridView.
Dim scSvcs() As ServiceController = ServiceController.GetServices()
Dim sc As ServiceController
Dim myRow As Integer = 0
For Each sc In scSvcs
Me.dgv_List(0, myRow).Value = sc.Status
Me.dgv_List(1, myRow).Value = sc.ServiceName
Me.dgv_List(2, myRow).Value = sc.DisplayName
Me.dgv_List(3, myRow).Value = sc.StartType
Me.dgv_List(4, myRow).Value = "??? Description ???" ' <== This is what I want to get
myRow += 1
Best Regards,
Ashidacchi -- ソフト開発の北窓舎(ほくそうしゃ)トップページ
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I am writing VB.NET code (Windows Forms) for displaying Windows Services. I can get ServiceName, DisplayName, Status, StartType, but cannot "Description". How can I get it?

Here's my code for displaying services in DataGridView.
Dim scSvcs() As ServiceController = ServiceController.GetServices()
Dim sc As ServiceController
Dim myRow As Integer = 0
For Each sc In scSvcs
Me.dgv_List(0, myRow).Value = sc.Status
Me.dgv_List(1, myRow).Value = sc.ServiceName
Me.dgv_List(2, myRow).Value = sc.DisplayName
Me.dgv_List(3, myRow).Value = sc.StartType
Me.dgv_List(4, myRow).Value = "??? Description ???" ' <== This is what I want to get
myRow += 1
Best Regards,
Ashidacchi -- ソフト開発の北窓舎(ほくそうしゃ)トップページ
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