How to draw by mouse a Polygon of any shape (snap to grid or not snap to grid) (the snap maybe off and the snap maybe on) and the distance between sna

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hany Metry
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Hany Metry

Hello Dear,

How to draw by mouse a Polygon of any shape (snap to grid or not snap to grid) (the snap maybe off and the snap maybe on) and the distance between snaps are input data as well as the distance between grids are input data.

Also the maximum value of X axis is input, the maximum value of Y axis is input, the minimum value of X axis is input and the minimum value of Y axis is input (drawing area are input).

In addition to the above the Form shall be full screen size (form.windowstate = formwindowstate.Maximize).

The pen mouse shall attach to last point drawn until closed the Polygon.

Closing the Polygon shall be by press enter by the key borad.

The grids maybe off and maybe on.

I back to previous thread How I can draw grid lines on picture box and then draw by mouse lines between grids ?(snap at intersection of grids)?

but I find difficulties to solve the difference between previous thread and this thread.

Kind Regards,

Hany Metry

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