Loop XML and put selected values in to DB

  • Thread starter Thread starter Calle78
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I was hoping to get some help on geting the information I need from a XML document. My XML looks like following:


-<Panel NumberOfBoardsInPanel="5" NG_Stacker_SlotNumber="NO_SLOT_NUMBER_READ" SequenceNumber="51" LotSize="0" LotCode="2019" Barcode="686985" EndTime="09/06/2019 13:37:22" StartTime="09/06/2019 13:37:17" Category="False Fail" PanelPassed="T">



<DefectiveLocations Value="0"/>

<DefectiveFeatures Value="0"/>
<FalseFailLocations Value="3"/>
<FalseFailFailures Value="3"/>


-<Image Barcode="NO_BARCODE_READ" Category="False Fail" ImagePassed="T" Name="Board5">

-<Location Category="False Fail" Image1="Board5.SW4.jpg" ReworkError="False Fail" LocationDefective="F" Identifier3="Switch_7x6test" Identifier2="Component\13101-0078" Identifier1="SW4">


<Mounter FeederNo="Not Specified" StationID="Not Specified" Vendor="Not Specified"/>


<Feature Category="False Fail" Image1="Board5.SW4.Pins.Pin2.jpg" ReworkError="False Fail" FeatureDefective="F" Identifier="Pins.Pin2"/>


-<Location Category="False Fail" Image1="Board5.SW5.jpg" ReworkError="False Fail" LocationDefective="F" Identifier3="Switch_7x6test" Identifier2="Component\13101-0078" Identifier1="SW5">


<Mounter FeederNo="Not Specified" StationID="Not Specified" Vendor="Not Specified"/>

<Feature Category="False Fail" Image1="Board5.SW5.Pins.Pin4.jpg" ReworkError="False Fail" FeatureDefective="F" Identifier="Pins.Pin4"/>


-<Image Barcode="NO_BARCODE_READ" Category="False Fail" ImagePassed="T" Name="Board3">

-<Location Category="False Fail" Image1="Board3.SW7.jpg" ReworkError="False Fail" LocationDefective="F" Identifier3="Switch_7x6test" Identifier2="Component\13101-0078" Identifier1="SW7">


<Mounter FeederNo="Not Specified" StationID="Not Specified" Vendor="Not Specified"/>

<Feature Category="False Fail" Image1="Board3.SW7.Pins.Pin1.jpg" ReworkError="False Fail" FeatureDefective="F" Identifier="Pins.Pin1"/>


From this there are certain elements I wanted to my db. For simplicity, lets say I wanted Username and Identifier1. To get that I used this code:

m_xmld = New XmlDocument()
m_nodelist = m_xmld.SelectNodes("//Location")

For Each m_node In m_nodelist

Dim bruker As String = m_node.SelectSingleNode("//UserName").InnerText
Dim ref As String = m_node.SelectSingleNode("@Identifier1").InnerText


msgbox(bruker & ", " & ref)

That gave me the following result 'me, SW4', 'me, SW5' and 'me,SW7'.

But when I wanted to add /Image/@name all I got was, 'me, SW4, Board5', 'me, SW5, Board5' and 'me,SW7, Board5'. Where the last should have been 'Board3'.

I treied rewriting this code all the ways I know how. But the result is either Board5 on all returns or 'me, SW4, Board5' and 'me, SW4, Board3'.

I think I've read all documentation I can find online but just can't figure out how to get the result I want. Is there anyone who can help me out?


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