I currently have a solution in VS 2017 under Solution explorer with 13 projects sitting underneath. I have the solution connected to TFS. I have a SharePoint front end and using SQL DB for backend. There is a upgrade required using a brand new SQL DB that is replacing the greater majority of what currently makes up the solution. We currently have 3 environments set up DEV, UAT and Production. We wish to create a copy of the solution before altering it and trying to think of the best way to do this? Any suggestions?
Many Thanks
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I currently have a solution in VS 2017 under Solution explorer with 13 projects sitting underneath. I have the solution connected to TFS. I have a SharePoint front end and using SQL DB for backend. There is a upgrade required using a brand new SQL DB that is replacing the greater majority of what currently makes up the solution. We currently have 3 environments set up DEV, UAT and Production. We wish to create a copy of the solution before altering it and trying to think of the best way to do this? Any suggestions?
Many Thanks
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