Rohan Danushka
I'm try to display my application online status in StatusStrip Label. with this method timer calling the CheckInternetConn Function. but, when I disconnect the internet my application slow down and timer keep try to calling Function. how to fix this.
Timer (Tick) Code:
If K9Core.CheckInternetConn = True Then
tsslblIntSta.ForeColor = Color.Lime
tsslblIntSta.Text = "ONLINE"
ElseIf K9Core.CheckInternetConn = False Then
tsslblIntSta.ForeColor = Color.Red
tsslblIntSta.Text = "OFFLINE"
End If
My Function
Public Shared Function CheckInternetConn() As Boolean
If My.Computer.Network.IsAvailable = True Then
Dim objURL As New System.Uri("Google")
Dim objWebReq As System.Net.WebRequest
objWebReq = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(objURL)
Dim objResp As System.Net.WebResponse
objResp = objWebReq.GetResponse
objResp = Nothing
Return True
Catch ex As WebException
objResp = Nothing
objWebReq = Nothing
Return False
End Try
End If
End Function
Exception Thrown :

Target: I need to show my application Online Status in front end (Automatically)
Known Issue: When Timer Keep try to call function application slow down
Thank you so much....
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I'm try to display my application online status in StatusStrip Label. with this method timer calling the CheckInternetConn Function. but, when I disconnect the internet my application slow down and timer keep try to calling Function. how to fix this.
Timer (Tick) Code:
If K9Core.CheckInternetConn = True Then
tsslblIntSta.ForeColor = Color.Lime
tsslblIntSta.Text = "ONLINE"
ElseIf K9Core.CheckInternetConn = False Then
tsslblIntSta.ForeColor = Color.Red
tsslblIntSta.Text = "OFFLINE"
End If
My Function
Public Shared Function CheckInternetConn() As Boolean
If My.Computer.Network.IsAvailable = True Then
Dim objURL As New System.Uri("Google")
Dim objWebReq As System.Net.WebRequest
objWebReq = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(objURL)
Dim objResp As System.Net.WebResponse
objResp = objWebReq.GetResponse
objResp = Nothing
Return True
Catch ex As WebException
objResp = Nothing
objWebReq = Nothing
Return False
End Try
End If
End Function
Exception Thrown :

Target: I need to show my application Online Status in front end (Automatically)
Known Issue: When Timer Keep try to call function application slow down
Thank you so much....
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