VS Pro 2015 version 14.0.25431.01 update 3:
Lightwsitch solution deploys correctly but Publish Application Wizard don't see any existing web app from my subscriptions.
This way I cannot change deployment to production, unfortunately it's urgent...this is my last application left as LS.
Upgraded Azure app service tools (from 2.9.6/14.0.21111.0 to 3.0.0/14.0.30823.0) but problem persists.
Reparing VS2015 itself at the end complains about roslyn language services an Visual C++ redistributable versions, but behavior remains the same as before.
In VS I was able to see all my app services from both Cloud and Server explorer toolbox, even before trying to perform any upgrade/repair.

Is there any manual way to 'force' publish application wizard settings?
Please help, thanks in advance
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Lightwsitch solution deploys correctly but Publish Application Wizard don't see any existing web app from my subscriptions.
This way I cannot change deployment to production, unfortunately it's urgent...this is my last application left as LS.
Upgraded Azure app service tools (from 2.9.6/14.0.21111.0 to 3.0.0/14.0.30823.0) but problem persists.
Reparing VS2015 itself at the end complains about roslyn language services an Visual C++ redistributable versions, but behavior remains the same as before.
In VS I was able to see all my app services from both Cloud and Server explorer toolbox, even before trying to perform any upgrade/repair.

Is there any manual way to 'force' publish application wizard settings?
Please help, thanks in advance
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