Call a POST method in @Html.ActionLink or @Url.Action

  • Thread starter Thread starter thereisnopatchforhumancruelty
  • Start date Start date


Hi everybody,

I'm developing a web app using ASP.NET MVC. I have a controller that contains some methods. For example I have these two methods:

public ActionResult SelectResult(int idResult)


return RedirectToAction("Result");



public ActionResult Result()


return View();


So, in a view Example.cshtml I have a table with some values and if the user click on one of these values, he is redirected to Result.cshtml. But I don't want to put the HTTP GET Result(), but the HTTP POST SelectResult(int idResult) to avoid to show in the Web App URL the ...\Home\Result?id=2 (for example). How can I call the HTTP POST the the @Html.ActionLink or @Url.Action in the Example.cshtml <td> </td>?

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