printpreviewdialog and e.hasmorepages

  • Thread starter Thread starter madmabs
  • Start date Start date


Hello guys, am currently trying to develop reports using a the printpreview dialog control and even the printpreview dialog , it all works fine until I get to a point where I hit a brick wall.

what happens is am pulling data from three tables in MS SQL server and I need to get to a point where I need to tell the printpage event that it should stop just before the last row of rendered lines hits the marginbounds.bottom and then pull the next set of rows of data unto the second page and the third page and so on but instead I have the data on page 1 being repeated on the next set of pages over and over again

Also when I hit the preview button the preview dialog box keeps counting the number of pages to load and this count could go on forever I have to terminate the count before the preview can display

below is the code and outcome

Dim Check1 As String

Dim check2 As String

Dim xPos As Single = 0

Dim xPoscenter As Single = 0

Dim yPos As Single = 100

Dim Size As System.Drawing.SizeF

Dim xPosmargin As Single = 15

Dim strformat As New StringFormat

Dim startY As Integer = 100

Dim startX As Integer = 100

If Frontpage = 0 Then

 Dim RectArea1 As Rectangle = New Rectangle(startX, startY, e.MarginBounds.Width, startY - 50)

e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightGray, RectArea1)

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Drawing.Pens.Black, RectArea1)


Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString(companyNameText1, CompanyName2)

'Now lets center this text a little

xPoscenter = ((e.PageBounds.Width * e.Graphics.PageScale) / 2) - (Size.Width / 2)

 e.Graphics.DrawString(companyNameText1, CompanyName2, Drawing.Brushes.Black, xPoscenter, yPos + 10)

yPos = CSng(yPos + Size.Height)


Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString("WORK-IN", CompanyPhone1)

'Now lets center this text a little

xPoscenter = ((e.PageBounds.Width * e.Graphics.PageScale) / 2) - (Size.Width / 2)

 e.Graphics.DrawString("WORK-IN", CompanyPhone1, Drawing.Brushes.Black, xPoscenter, yPos + 10)

 yPos = CSng(yPos + Size.Height)

Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString("PRINTED ON:", Headerfonts)

xPoscenter = ((e.PageBounds.Width * e.Graphics.PageScale) / 2) - (Size.Width / 2)

' now move it to the left

e.Graphics.DrawString("PRINTED ON:", CompanyPhone1, Drawing.Brushes.Black, xPoscenter - 50, yPos + 10)

 Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString(InvoiceDate, CompanyPhone1)

' now move the date a little to the right of the centered text "PRINTED ON:"

e.Graphics.DrawString(InvoiceDate, CompanyPhone1, Drawing.Brushes.Black, xPoscenter + 10, yPos + 10)



End If

Frontpage += 1

startY = startY

Dim pickTicketIDvalue As String

Dim pickTicketIDvalue2 As String

Dim pickTicketIDvalue3 As String

Dim Useraccno As String

Dim Phone As String

Dim Firstname As String

Dim Surname As String

Dim PLUDescription As String

Dim PLUPrice As String

Dim ExtraDescription As String

Dim Extrasprice As String

Dim TicketTotal As String


cmdWorkinWashboxpremiere = CnnWashboxpremiere.CreateCommand

cmdWorkinWashboxpremiere.CommandText = "SELECT [tblticket].[TicketID]," &

"[Tblcustomers].[CustomerAccNo]," &

"[tblticket].[TicketDate], " &

"[tblticket].[Collectdate]," &

"[tblticket].[TicketTotal]," &

"[tblticket].[UserAccNo], " &

"[Tblcustomers].[FirstName]," &

"[Tblcustomers].[Surname]" &

"from TbLTicket" &

" inner join Tblcustomers" &

" on TblTicket.[CustomerAccNo] = Tblcustomers.[CustomerAccNo]" &

"WHERE TicketDate BETWEEN '" & txtStartdate.Text & "' and '" & txtenddate.Text & "'"


daWorkinWashboxpremiere.SelectCommand = cmdWorkinWashboxpremiere


 daWorkinWashboxpremiere.Fill(dsWorkinWashboxpremiere, "TblTicket")


daWorkinWashboxpremiere.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT TicketID, PLUDescription, GarmentQty, PLUPrice, PLUPriceTotal, GarmentPiecesTotal, RowID, ParentID from TbLTicketTrans WHERE TicketDate BETWEEN '" & txtStartdate.Text & "' and '" & txtenddate.Text & "'"

daWorkinWashboxpremiere.Fill(dsWorkinWashboxpremiere, "TbLTicketTrans")

daWorkinWashboxpremiere.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT TicketID, ExtraDescription, ExtrasPrice, RowID FROM TblTicketTransExtra WHERE TicketDate BETWEEN '" & txtStartdate.Text & "' and '" & txtenddate.Text & "'"

daWorkinWashboxpremiere.Fill(dsWorkinWashboxpremiere, "TblTicketTransExtra")

For R As Integer = 0 To dsWorkinWashboxpremiere.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1

Dim RectArea2 As Rectangle = New Rectangle(startX, startY, e.MarginBounds.Width, e.MarginBounds.Height - 50)

yPos = CSng(yPos + Size.Height * 2.0) + companyPhone1Height + 5


pickTicketIDvalue = dsWorkinWashboxpremiere.Tables(0).Rows(R)(0).ToString()

Useraccno = dsWorkinWashboxpremiere.Tables(0).Rows(R)(5).ToString()

Phone = dsWorkinWashboxpremiere.Tables(0).Rows(R)(1).ToString()

Firstname = dsWorkinWashboxpremiere.Tables(0).Rows(R)(6).ToString()

Surname = dsWorkinWashboxpremiere.Tables(0).Rows(R)(7).ToString()

TicketTotal = dsWorkinWashboxpremiere.Tables(0).Rows(R)(4).ToString()

Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString(pickTicketIDvalue, Headerfonts)

e.Graphics.DrawString(pickTicketIDvalue, CompanyPhone1, Drawing.Brushes.Black, Xdate + 130, yPos)

Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString("Server:", Headerfonts)

e.Graphics.DrawString("Server:", CompanyPhone1, Drawing.Brushes.Black, Xdate + 200, yPos)


Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString(Useraccno, Headerfonts)

e.Graphics.DrawString(Useraccno, CompanyPhone1, Drawing.Brushes.Black, Xdate + 250, yPos)

Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString(Phone, Headerfonts)

e.Graphics.DrawString(Phone, CompanyPhone1, Drawing.Brushes.Black, Xdate + 300, yPos)

Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString(Firstname, Headerfonts)

e.Graphics.DrawString(Firstname, CompanyPhone1, Drawing.Brushes.Black, Xdate + 425, yPos)

Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString(Surname, Headerfonts)

e.Graphics.DrawString(Surname, CompanyPhone1, Drawing.Brushes.Black, Xdate + 525, yPos)

 yPos = CSng(yPos + Size.Height * 2.0) + companyPhone1Height

txtnooflines.Text = pickTicketIDvalue


For S As Integer = 0 To dsWorkinWashboxpremiere.Tables(1).Rows.Count - 1

Check1 = dsWorkinWashboxpremiere.Tables(1).Rows(S)(7).ToString()

 pickTicketIDvalue2 = dsWorkinWashboxpremiere.Tables(1).Rows(S)(0).ToString()

If pickTicketIDvalue = pickTicketIDvalue2 Then

PLUDescription = dsWorkinWashboxpremiere.Tables(1).Rows(S)(1).ToString()

Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString(PLUDescription, Headerfonts)

e.Graphics.DrawString(PLUDescription, CompanyPhone1, Drawing.Brushes.Black, Xdate + 525, yPos)

PLUPrice = dsWorkinWashboxpremiere.Tables(1).Rows(S)(3).ToString()

Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString(PLUPrice, Headerfonts)

e.Graphics.DrawString(PLUPrice, CompanyPhone1, Drawing.Brushes.Black, Xdate + 650, yPos)

yPos = CSng(yPos + Size.Height * 2.0) + companyPhone1Height

For M As Integer = 0 To dsWorkinWashboxpremiere.Tables(2).Rows.Count - 1

pickTicketIDvalue3 = dsWorkinWashboxpremiere.Tables(2).Rows(M)(0).ToString()

check2 = dsWorkinWashboxpremiere.Tables(2).Rows(M)(3).ToString()

If pickTicketIDvalue2 = pickTicketIDvalue3 And check2 = Check1 Then

ExtraDescription = dsWorkinWashboxpremiere.Tables(2).Rows(M)(1).ToString()

 Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString(ExtraDescription, Headerfonts)

e.Graphics.DrawString(ExtraDescription, CompanyPhone1, Drawing.Brushes.Black, Xdate + 525, yPos)



Extrasprice = dsWorkinWashboxpremiere.Tables(2).Rows(M)(2).ToString()

 Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString(Extrasprice, Headerfonts)

e.Graphics.DrawString(Extrasprice, CompanyPhone1, Drawing.Brushes.Black, Xdate + 650, yPos)

yPos = CSng(yPos + Size.Height * 2.0) + companyPhone1Height


End If



End If


xPoscenter = ((e.PageBounds.Width * e.Graphics.PageScale) / 2) - (Size.Width / 2)

yPos = CSng(yPos + Size.Height * 1.0)

'This is the Line stretching from width to width

Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString(Breakline1, BreakFonts)

e.Graphics.DrawLine(Drawing.Pens.Black, xPos + 100, yPos, e.Graphics.PageScale * e.MarginBounds.Width - xPos + 100, yPos)

yPos = CSng(yPos + Size.Height * 2.0) + companyPhone1Height

Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString(TicketTotal, Headerfonts)

e.Graphics.DrawString(TicketTotal, CompanyPhone1, Drawing.Brushes.Black, Xdate + 650, yPos)

 yPos = CSng(yPos + Size.Height * 2.0) + companyPhone1Height

 'This is the Line stretching from width to width

Size = e.Graphics.MeasureString(Breakline1, BreakFonts)

e.Graphics.DrawLine(Drawing.Pens.Black, xPos + 100, yPos, e.Graphics.PageScale * e.MarginBounds.Width - xPos + 100, yPos)


yPos = CSng(yPos + Size.Height * 2.0) + companyPhone1Height

If yPos > e.MarginBounds.Bottom Then

e.HasMorePages = True


yPos = 150

Exit Sub

End If




End Sub

Thanks for your anticipated response and support




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