How can I fix this error? I want to assign n from parameter.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void merge(int gArray[], int low, int mid1,
int mid2, int high, int destArray[])
int i = low, j = mid1, k = mid2, l = low;
// choose smaller of the smallest in the three ranges
while ((i < mid1) && (j < mid2) && (k < high))
if (gArray < gArray[j])
if (gArray < gArray[k])
destArray[l++] = gArray[i++];
destArray[l++] = gArray[k++];
if (gArray[j] < gArray[k])
destArray[l++] = gArray[j++];
destArray[l++] = gArray[k++];
// case where first and second ranges
// have remaining values
while ((i < mid1) && (j < mid2))
if (gArray < gArray[j])
destArray[l++] = gArray[i++];
destArray[l++] = gArray[j++];
// case where second and third ranges
// have remaining values
while ((j < mid2) && (k < high))
if (gArray[j] < gArray[k])
destArray[l++] = gArray[j++];
destArray[l++] = gArray[k++];
// case where first and third ranges have
// remaining values
while ((i < mid1) && (k < high))
if (gArray < gArray[k])
destArray[l++] = gArray[i++];
destArray[l++] = gArray[k++];
// copy remaining values from the first range
while (i < mid1)
destArray[l++] = gArray[i++];
// copy remaining values from the second range
while (j < mid2)
destArray[l++] = gArray[j++];
// copy remaining values from the third range
while (k < high)
destArray[l++] = gArray[k++];
/* Performing the merge sort algorithm on the
given array of values in the rangeof indices
[low, high). low is minimum index, high is
maximum index (exclusive) */
void mergeSort3WayRec(int gArray[], int low,
int high, int destArray[])
// If array size is 1 then do nothing
if (high - low < 2)
// Splitting array into 3 parts
int mid1 = low + ((high - low) / 3);
int mid2 = low + 2 * ((high - low) / 3) + 1;
// Sorting 3 arrays recursively
mergeSort3WayRec(destArray, low, mid1, gArray);
mergeSort3WayRec(destArray, mid1, mid2, gArray);
mergeSort3WayRec(destArray, mid2, high, gArray);
// Merging the sorted arrays
merge(destArray, low, mid1, mid2, high, gArray);
void mergeSort3Way(int gArray[], int n)
// if array size is zero return null
if (n == 0)
// creating duplicate of given array
int fArray[n];
// copying alements of given array into
// duplicate array
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
fArray = gArray;
// sort function
mergeSort3WayRec(fArray, 0, n, gArray);
// copy back elements of duplicate array
// to given array
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
gArray = fArray;
// Driver Code
int main()
int data[] = { 45, -2, -45, 78, 30,
-42, 10, 19, 73, 93 };
mergeSort3Way(data, 10);
cout << "After 3 way merge sort: ";
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cout << data << " ";
return 0;
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How can I fix this error? I want to assign n from parameter.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void merge(int gArray[], int low, int mid1,
int mid2, int high, int destArray[])
int i = low, j = mid1, k = mid2, l = low;
// choose smaller of the smallest in the three ranges
while ((i < mid1) && (j < mid2) && (k < high))
if (gArray < gArray[j])
if (gArray < gArray[k])
destArray[l++] = gArray[i++];
destArray[l++] = gArray[k++];
if (gArray[j] < gArray[k])
destArray[l++] = gArray[j++];
destArray[l++] = gArray[k++];
// case where first and second ranges
// have remaining values
while ((i < mid1) && (j < mid2))
if (gArray < gArray[j])
destArray[l++] = gArray[i++];
destArray[l++] = gArray[j++];
// case where second and third ranges
// have remaining values
while ((j < mid2) && (k < high))
if (gArray[j] < gArray[k])
destArray[l++] = gArray[j++];
destArray[l++] = gArray[k++];
// case where first and third ranges have
// remaining values
while ((i < mid1) && (k < high))
if (gArray < gArray[k])
destArray[l++] = gArray[i++];
destArray[l++] = gArray[k++];
// copy remaining values from the first range
while (i < mid1)
destArray[l++] = gArray[i++];
// copy remaining values from the second range
while (j < mid2)
destArray[l++] = gArray[j++];
// copy remaining values from the third range
while (k < high)
destArray[l++] = gArray[k++];
/* Performing the merge sort algorithm on the
given array of values in the rangeof indices
[low, high). low is minimum index, high is
maximum index (exclusive) */
void mergeSort3WayRec(int gArray[], int low,
int high, int destArray[])
// If array size is 1 then do nothing
if (high - low < 2)
// Splitting array into 3 parts
int mid1 = low + ((high - low) / 3);
int mid2 = low + 2 * ((high - low) / 3) + 1;
// Sorting 3 arrays recursively
mergeSort3WayRec(destArray, low, mid1, gArray);
mergeSort3WayRec(destArray, mid1, mid2, gArray);
mergeSort3WayRec(destArray, mid2, high, gArray);
// Merging the sorted arrays
merge(destArray, low, mid1, mid2, high, gArray);
void mergeSort3Way(int gArray[], int n)
// if array size is zero return null
if (n == 0)
// creating duplicate of given array
int fArray[n];
// copying alements of given array into
// duplicate array
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
fArray = gArray;
// sort function
mergeSort3WayRec(fArray, 0, n, gArray);
// copy back elements of duplicate array
// to given array
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
gArray = fArray;
// Driver Code
int main()
int data[] = { 45, -2, -45, 78, 30,
-42, 10, 19, 73, 93 };
mergeSort3Way(data, 10);
cout << "After 3 way merge sort: ";
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cout << data << " ";
return 0;
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