VS2015, MFC, code is below
typedef struct {
CString strTime;
int NumValue;
int kCanIndex;
CANDispPara_t g_CANDispPara; // global variable
VCI_CAN_OBJ CANObj[2000]; // global variable
UINT CCANUSBDlg::ReceiveThread(void *param)
// get lot of data here, set set g_CANDispPara
g_CANDispPara.pCanObj = &CANObj[0];
g_CANDispPara.strTime = "12:34:56";
g_CANDispPara.NumValue = 10;
g_CANDispPara.kCanIndex = 1;
// display part of data 1
isplayThread_1(void *param)
CString strTime;
int NumValue;
int kCanIndex;
// get value of g_CANDispPara
pCanObj = g_CANDispPara.pCanObj; // g_CANDispPara is a gloabla variable
strTime = g_CANDispPara.strTime; // problem here!
NumValue = g_CANDispPara.NumValue; // problem here!
kCanIndex = g_CANDispPara.kCanIndex; // problem here!
// display part of data 2
isplayThread_2(void *param)
CString strTime;
int NumValue;
int kCanIndex;
// get value of g_CANDispPara
pCanObj = g_CANDispPara.pCanObj; // g_CANDispPara is a gloabla variable
strTime = g_CANDispPara.strTime; // problem here! global variable can to pass to local variable // strTime
NumValue = g_CANDispPara.NumValue; // problem here!
kCanIndex = g_CANDispPara.kCanIndex; // problem here!
the three threads are started as :
at dialogue initialization state and the ReceiveThread works well already.
Q1. I found pCanObj = g_CANDispPara.pCanObj; is right, pCanObj points to right address I assigned in CCANUSBDlg::ReceiveThread(void *param)
BUT strTime,NumValue, kCanIndex CAN NOT get value of g_CANDispPara.strTime, g_CANDispPara.NumValue,g_CANDispPara.kCanIndex respectively,
they are zeros! is it a problem on transfer data between threads? I think using global variable as a way of transfer data between threads is possible
Q2. I get a lot of data from CAN, period is 30ms, and foud it takes a lot of time to display the data on a list of placed in a dialogue, the thread_1 displays part1,
the thread_2 displays the part 2, is it possible?
Q3. The thread function can only be static class function? or it can be a common non-class function
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typedef struct {
CString strTime;
int NumValue;
int kCanIndex;
CANDispPara_t g_CANDispPara; // global variable
VCI_CAN_OBJ CANObj[2000]; // global variable
UINT CCANUSBDlg::ReceiveThread(void *param)
// get lot of data here, set set g_CANDispPara
g_CANDispPara.pCanObj = &CANObj[0];
g_CANDispPara.strTime = "12:34:56";
g_CANDispPara.NumValue = 10;
g_CANDispPara.kCanIndex = 1;
// display part of data 1

CString strTime;
int NumValue;
int kCanIndex;
// get value of g_CANDispPara
pCanObj = g_CANDispPara.pCanObj; // g_CANDispPara is a gloabla variable
strTime = g_CANDispPara.strTime; // problem here!
NumValue = g_CANDispPara.NumValue; // problem here!
kCanIndex = g_CANDispPara.kCanIndex; // problem here!
// display part of data 2

CString strTime;
int NumValue;
int kCanIndex;
// get value of g_CANDispPara
pCanObj = g_CANDispPara.pCanObj; // g_CANDispPara is a gloabla variable
strTime = g_CANDispPara.strTime; // problem here! global variable can to pass to local variable // strTime
NumValue = g_CANDispPara.NumValue; // problem here!
kCanIndex = g_CANDispPara.kCanIndex; // problem here!
the three threads are started as :
at dialogue initialization state and the ReceiveThread works well already.
Q1. I found pCanObj = g_CANDispPara.pCanObj; is right, pCanObj points to right address I assigned in CCANUSBDlg::ReceiveThread(void *param)
BUT strTime,NumValue, kCanIndex CAN NOT get value of g_CANDispPara.strTime, g_CANDispPara.NumValue,g_CANDispPara.kCanIndex respectively,
they are zeros! is it a problem on transfer data between threads? I think using global variable as a way of transfer data between threads is possible
Q2. I get a lot of data from CAN, period is 30ms, and foud it takes a lot of time to display the data on a list of placed in a dialogue, the thread_1 displays part1,
the thread_2 displays the part 2, is it possible?
Q3. The thread function can only be static class function? or it can be a common non-class function
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