ActiveX registering error 80040200

  • Thread starter Thread starter aka_Tyr0
  • Start date Start date


Hello, everyone.

I have a trouble with ActiveX project based on MFC.

At 1st time I tested functionality of control via dll project. To adjust this control to ActiveX I created a new ActiveX project and added there the all files from 1st dll project. Not to add manually a numerous number of dialogs, bitmaps, menus etc, I combined resources files into one file by copying source code from 1 file to another one and added this common file to the new project.

But sometimes after editing and saving a resource the next lines are removed from the recource file :
// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource.
1 TYPELIB "xxxtlb"

So, I need time by time add this lines to the resources file.

And the main problem.

The new project compiled and linked. But registering this ActiveX Control with regsvr32 gives the next error: DllRegisterServer in xxx.ocx failed. Return code was 80040200.

Does someone know, what this error means, why this one happens?

Please, any advice or hints, usefull information to regards this topic.

Thanks for advance.


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