I create a custom control which inherit from panel control using c# class library then i used it inside a form. when I select any of properties during design time, my custom control doesn't update ! if i close the form and i reopen it changes will take place !
i want to have the control updated when any of properties is changed ?
here is my custom control code example :
public class PersoCont
private int borderSize = 2;
private Color borderColor = Color.DarkRed;
private bool isBorder = true;
private int paddingTopTitle = 0;
private int paddingBorder = 0;
public int padding_TopTitle
get { return paddingTopTitle; }
set { paddingTopTitle = value; Invalidate(); }
public int padding_border
get { return paddingBorder; }
set { paddingBorder = value; Invalidate(); }
public int border_size
get { return borderSize; }
set { borderSize = value; Invalidate(); }
public Color border_color
get { return borderColor; }
set { borderColor = value; Invalidate(); }
public bool is_border
get { return isBorder; }
set { isBorder = value; Invalidate(); }
public PersoCont()
protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e)
if (this.Controls.Find("xlblTitle", true).Length == 0)
if (isBorder == true)
Label lblUp = new Label();
lblUp.Text = "";
lblUp.AutoSize = false;
lblUp.BackColor = borderColor;
int lblUpWidth = this.Width - (2 * paddingBorder) - (2 * borderSize);
lblUp.Size = new Size(lblUpWidth, borderSize);
lblUp.Location = new Point(borderSize + paddingBorder, paddingBorder);
lblUp.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right;
Label lblDown = new Label();
lblDown.Text = "";
lblDown.AutoSize = false;
lblDown.BackColor = borderColor;
lblDown.Size = new Size(lblUpWidth, borderSize);
int lblDownTop = this.Height - paddingBorder - borderSize;
lblDown.Location = new Point(borderSize + paddingBorder, lblDownTop);
lblDown.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right;
Label lblLeft = new Label();
lblLeft.Text = "";
lblLeft.AutoSize = false;
lblLeft.BackColor = borderColor;
int lblLeftHeight = this.Height - (2 * paddingBorder);
lblLeft.Size =new Size(borderSize,lblLeftHeight);
lblLeft.Location = new Point(paddingBorder, paddingBorder);
lblLeft.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
Label lblRight = new Label();
lblRight.Text = "";
lblRight.AutoSize = false;
lblRight.BackColor = borderColor;
lblRight.Size = new Size(borderSize, lblLeftHeight);
int lblRightLeft = this.Width - paddingBorder - borderSize;
lblRight.Location = new Point(lblRightLeft, paddingBorder);
lblRight.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
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i want to have the control updated when any of properties is changed ?
here is my custom control code example :
public class PersoCont

private int borderSize = 2;
private Color borderColor = Color.DarkRed;
private bool isBorder = true;
private int paddingTopTitle = 0;
private int paddingBorder = 0;
public int padding_TopTitle
get { return paddingTopTitle; }
set { paddingTopTitle = value; Invalidate(); }
public int padding_border
get { return paddingBorder; }
set { paddingBorder = value; Invalidate(); }
public int border_size
get { return borderSize; }
set { borderSize = value; Invalidate(); }
public Color border_color
get { return borderColor; }
set { borderColor = value; Invalidate(); }
public bool is_border
get { return isBorder; }
set { isBorder = value; Invalidate(); }
public PersoCont()
protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e)
if (this.Controls.Find("xlblTitle", true).Length == 0)
if (isBorder == true)
Label lblUp = new Label();
lblUp.Text = "";
lblUp.AutoSize = false;
lblUp.BackColor = borderColor;
int lblUpWidth = this.Width - (2 * paddingBorder) - (2 * borderSize);
lblUp.Size = new Size(lblUpWidth, borderSize);
lblUp.Location = new Point(borderSize + paddingBorder, paddingBorder);
lblUp.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right;
Label lblDown = new Label();
lblDown.Text = "";
lblDown.AutoSize = false;
lblDown.BackColor = borderColor;
lblDown.Size = new Size(lblUpWidth, borderSize);
int lblDownTop = this.Height - paddingBorder - borderSize;
lblDown.Location = new Point(borderSize + paddingBorder, lblDownTop);
lblDown.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right;
Label lblLeft = new Label();
lblLeft.Text = "";
lblLeft.AutoSize = false;
lblLeft.BackColor = borderColor;
int lblLeftHeight = this.Height - (2 * paddingBorder);
lblLeft.Size =new Size(borderSize,lblLeftHeight);
lblLeft.Location = new Point(paddingBorder, paddingBorder);
lblLeft.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
Label lblRight = new Label();
lblRight.Text = "";
lblRight.AutoSize = false;
lblRight.BackColor = borderColor;
lblRight.Size = new Size(borderSize, lblLeftHeight);
int lblRightLeft = this.Width - paddingBorder - borderSize;
lblRight.Location = new Point(lblRightLeft, paddingBorder);
lblRight.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom;
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