Hello, I am having a terrible time trying to capture data from a nasdaq website and am hoping someone knows what is happening. This situation is easy to describe. I can capture data from a finance.yahoo website but the same code fails when I try to capture data from a nasdaq website.
Is nasdaq screening C# get requests?
public static async Task Testing()
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
var url1 = string.Format(MSFT Income Statement);
// this program will not get the data from the old.nasdaq website.
var url1 = string.Format(Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) Balance Sheet);
// this program will get the data from the finance.yahoo website
Task<string> ISA_Task = client.GetStringAsync(url1);
string dls = await ISA_Task;
Robert Meyer
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