how to sollve this problemwhich have task about Date. Pharmacist Insert Medicine Name and it Expairy Date in Textbox2.text, further more in expiry date they insert only month and year, Day of month end should be taken by system like pharmacist enter 02-2021 it means when cursor leave Textbox2 it become a 28-02-2021. Keep in mind leap year also
MUHAMMAD ANZAR E-mail : muhammadanzar@hotmail.com Mobile # :0092-3215096959
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how to sollve this problemwhich have task about Date. Pharmacist Insert Medicine Name and it Expairy Date in Textbox2.text, further more in expiry date they insert only month and year, Day of month end should be taken by system like pharmacist enter 02-2021 it means when cursor leave Textbox2 it become a 28-02-2021. Keep in mind leap year also
MUHAMMAD ANZAR E-mail : muhammadanzar@hotmail.com Mobile # :0092-3215096959
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