MY question is:
If two programming elements have the same name but are of different types and have different scopes, then can one of them shadow the other through scope? For example, in the below case the name TEMP has been assigned to both an integer variable and a sub-routine with different scopes but it is not working. So is there a way to make it work (apart from qualifying it with Module1)...i.e. to make the TEMP integer variable shadow the TEMP() subroutine? OR does shadowing through scope only work when the two programming elements are of the same type?
Module Module1
Public t As Integer = 42
Sub temp()
Console.WriteLine("TEMP from sub printTemp: {0}", t)
End Sub
Sub Main()
Dim temp As Integer = 5
Console.WriteLine("TEMP from sub Main(): {0}", temp)
temp() 'error comes here. but Module1.temp() works fine
End Sub
End Module
Error is as follows:

PLease help
Sougata Ghosh
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MY question is:
If two programming elements have the same name but are of different types and have different scopes, then can one of them shadow the other through scope? For example, in the below case the name TEMP has been assigned to both an integer variable and a sub-routine with different scopes but it is not working. So is there a way to make it work (apart from qualifying it with Module1)...i.e. to make the TEMP integer variable shadow the TEMP() subroutine? OR does shadowing through scope only work when the two programming elements are of the same type?
Module Module1
Public t As Integer = 42
Sub temp()
Console.WriteLine("TEMP from sub printTemp: {0}", t)
End Sub
Sub Main()
Dim temp As Integer = 5
Console.WriteLine("TEMP from sub Main(): {0}", temp)
temp() 'error comes here. but Module1.temp() works fine
End Sub
End Module
Error is as follows:

PLease help
Sougata Ghosh
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