Add progress bar in VB 2010 Express.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wayne1943
  • Start date Start date


I wrote a program about five years ago that encrypts text. The program works as intended, but being old (76) I cannot remember/get a progress bar to work as the text is being processed through encryption. Button3 on Form3 makes the call for encryption. I have commented out my attempt at a progress bar inasmuch as it did not work anyway.

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click

Dim Source As String = TextBox1.Text

Dim fileReader As String

Label3.Visible = True '**********Encrypting text...this will take awhile.***************


'Call the Encrypt function Encrypt and pass it the Source varible.

Call Encrypt(Source)

'Private Sub ProgressBar1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ProgressBar1.Click

' Dim i As Integer

' ProgressBar1.Minimum = 0

' Sets the Maximum for the progress bar to the lenght of the of the combined string (NumerOf).

' ProgressBar1.Maximum = NumberOf

' For i = 0 To NumberOf

' ProgressBar1.Value = i

' Next 'End Sub


'Reads encrypted from disk file into Form3 Text Box 2.

fileReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(strWholePathVar)

Me.TextBox2.Text = (fileReader)

Label3.Text = "Encryption complete."

End Sub

End Class

Someone could please give me a tip in how to display code? If I cut it from my code editor and past it here with code tags around it, it puts it all on one line.

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