SatheeshKumar S
Hi Guys,
I want to find the picture/image on the screen and get the x,y coordinates if it matched on the screen. I already know how to move the mouse and click using this x,y coordinates.
Example: I have cropped "This PC" image on the windows desktop screen and saved it as "This PC.png". I want to find the x,y coordinates of that picture(This PC.png) that would exactly match on the desktop screen. So my C# code needs to find that "This PC.png" image on the desktop screen and return the x,y mouse coordinates.
I want to click/double-click the "This PC" option using this x,y mouse coordinates and open it.

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I want to find the picture/image on the screen and get the x,y coordinates if it matched on the screen. I already know how to move the mouse and click using this x,y coordinates.
Example: I have cropped "This PC" image on the windows desktop screen and saved it as "This PC.png". I want to find the x,y coordinates of that picture(This PC.png) that would exactly match on the desktop screen. So my C# code needs to find that "This PC.png" image on the desktop screen and return the x,y mouse coordinates.
I want to click/double-click the "This PC" option using this x,y mouse coordinates and open it.

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