I git cloned alg4 project opened in an mscode instance, which ran other java files before. I have the maven plugin and it looks like it scanned the pom.xml file. I then tried to run one of the files called BinarySearch and could not. I tried compiling it from the command line with Javac command, I looked everywhere for the file with the same name and .class extension so I can do java BinarySearch but can not find any. I also know the file takes command line arguments. I did pass the right commands, and I know that because this is the source for a course that has a book. I am just trying run the same command on page 46 of the book which is available online and free as a reference. The entire command is BinarySearch tinyT.txt < tinyW.txt. I did add the two input text files also. I basically put in the same content that I see in the book. I do not know what I am missing.
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I git cloned alg4 project opened in an mscode instance, which ran other java files before. I have the maven plugin and it looks like it scanned the pom.xml file. I then tried to run one of the files called BinarySearch and could not. I tried compiling it from the command line with Javac command, I looked everywhere for the file with the same name and .class extension so I can do java BinarySearch but can not find any. I also know the file takes command line arguments. I did pass the right commands, and I know that because this is the source for a course that has a book. I am just trying run the same command on page 46 of the book which is available online and free as a reference. The entire command is BinarySearch tinyT.txt < tinyW.txt. I did add the two input text files also. I basically put in the same content that I see in the book. I do not know what I am missing.
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