Why doesn't the compiler mangle the name `WinMain` when I erase the `stdcall` from the MODEL directive below.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Belloc
  • Start date Start date


Please consider the following code in assembly:

.MODEL flat, stdcall
.stack 4096

ExitProcess PROTO STDCALL, dwExitCode: DWORD

WinMain PROC
mov eax, -1
invoke ExitProcess, 0
WinMain ENDP


When I try to build this code I get the linker error LNK1221: a subsystem can't be inferred and must be defined. I can understand that now, as the mangled name obtained by the compiler for the code is `_WinMain@0` and not the expected `_WinMain@16` and this is due to the `stdcall` option above in the `.MODEL` directive. However, when I erase the `stdcall` from this directive, as shown below, I get from `DUMPBIN` the same name `WinMain` and not `_WinMain` as I was expecting for a `_cdecl` function. Why is this?

.MODEL flat ;, stdcall
.stack 4096

ExitProcess PROTO STDCALL, dwExitCode: DWORD

WinMain PROC
mov eax, -1
invoke ExitProcess, 0
WinMain ENDP

For both runs I used /SUBSYSTEM = Not set in the linker property page and `WinMain` as the entry point for the code.

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