Searching TreeView subnodes for duplicate names before inserting a node

  • Thread starter Thread starter RogerWhitfield
  • Start date Start date


I have been trying this for ages and just can't get it.

I want to create a Treeview from a datatable in the following structure:-

Level1 Level2 Level3 Level 4

Network, Wireless, Access Point

Network, Wireless, Wireless, Access Point


Now the problem is that when I search to see if a node exists using

If TreeView1.Nodes.Find(l1, True).Length = 0 Then

Then I get results from the entire tree so as shown above it will fail to add Wireless at level 2 as it exists at level 3, If I set the search to not search all children then it only searches level 1, which is fine for level 1 but what I really need to do is set a search to look for duplicates at the level i'm creating nodes at.


Search all level 1 nodes for name and if it exists don't insert

Level 2

Search all level 3 nodes for name and if it exists don't insert

Level 3

Search all level 3 nodes for name and if it exists don't insert

I guess I need some way to set the node at which I'm working but I just cant seem to find any way to do this. My existing code is:-

Dim searchChildren As Boolean = False

Dim l1 As String = ""
Dim l2 As String = ""
Dim l3 As String = ""

With TreeView1
If TreeView1.Nodes.Find(l1, searchChildren).Length = 0 Then
.Nodes("0").Nodes.Add(l1, l1)
End If
If TreeView1.Nodes.Find(l2, searchChildren).Length = 0 Then
.Nodes("0").Nodes(l1).Nodes.Add(l2, l2)
End If
If TreeView1.Nodes.Find(l3, searchChildren).Length = 0 Then
.Nodes("0").Nodes(l1).Nodes(l2).Nodes.Add(l3, l3)
End If
End With

I am at a loss any help you could give would be very much appreciated.


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