How send correctly mouse coordinates inside PictureBox to Path.moveTo() and Path.lineTo() methods?

  • Thread starter Thread starter FLASHCODR
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I found a Android code that your goal is simulates an L-shaped drag path: 200 pixels right, then 200 pixels down. These values was predefined on code, how this could be achieved using the mouse coordinates of a PictureBox control and your events ("mousedown", "mouseup" etc)? PS: I need this to implement in my remote access example (C# Windows Application controller > Android client).

C# code:

private Point mdownPoint = new Point();

private void pictureBox1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
foreach (ListViewItem item in lvConnections.SelectedItems)
// Remote screen resolution
string[] tokens = item.SubItems[5].Text.Split('x'); // Ex: 1080x1920

Client client = (Client)item.Tag;

if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
xClick = (e.X * int.Parse(tokens[0].ToString())) / (pictureBox1.Size.Width);
yClick = (e.Y * int.Parse(tokens[1].ToString())) / (pictureBox1.Size.Height);

// Saving start position

mdownPoint.X = xClick;
mdownPoint.Y = yClick;

//client.sock.Send(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("TOUCH" + xClick + "<|>" + yClick + Environment.NewLine));

private void PictureBox1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
foreach (ListViewItem item in lvConnections.SelectedItems)
// Remote screen resolution
string[] tokens = item.SubItems[5].Text.Split('x'); // Ex: 1080x1920

Client client = (Client)item.Tag;

if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
xClick = (e.X * int.Parse(tokens[0].ToString())) / (pictureBox1.Size.Width);
yClick = (e.Y * int.Parse(tokens[1].ToString())) / (pictureBox1.Size.Height);

client.sock.Send(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("MOUSESWIPESCREEN" + mdownPoint.X + "<|>" + mdownPoint.Y + "<|>" + xClick + "<|>" + yClick + Environment.NewLine));

android code:

// Simulates an L-shaped drag path: 200 pixels right, then 200 pixels down.
Path path = new Path();

final GestureDescription.StrokeDescription sd = new GestureDescription.StrokeDescription(path, 0, 500, true);

// The starting point of the second path must match
// the ending point of the first path.
Path path2 = new Path();

final GestureDescription.StrokeDescription sd2 = sd.continueStroke(path2, 0, 500, false); // 0.5 second

HongBaoService.mService.dispatchGesture(new GestureDescription.Builder().addStroke(sd).build(), new AccessibilityService.GestureResultCallback(){

public void onCompleted(GestureDescription gestureDescription){
HongBaoService.mService.dispatchGesture(new GestureDescription.Builder().addStroke(sd2).build(),null,null);

public void onCancelled(GestureDescription gestureDescription){

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