Let's say a combo box list is filled with a collection of items (type string) and numbers (type short) sorted by item (say, in ascending alphabetical order). Is there a way to set the combo index such that the number in the list, not the SelectedIndex, matches a number retrieved from a database? The numbers in the combo list are unique.
ComboList("one", 1)
ComboList("three", 3)
ComboList("two", 2)
ComboList("zero", 0)
Number 1 from database should point to the list item containing number 1. Thanks for any help...
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ComboList("one", 1)
ComboList("three", 3)
ComboList("two", 2)
ComboList("zero", 0)
Number 1 from database should point to the list item containing number 1. Thanks for any help...
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