I have this issue as mentioned in the title. and here is what I tried to do to solve it: This is MVC 5 project.
public ActionResult Index(string text, int text1)
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Users\name\Desktop\images");
FileInfo[] files = dir.GetFiles();
string value = text;
int value1 = text1;
//string file = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(postedFile.FileName) + ".png";
foreach (FileInfo file in files)
// string newfile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FileName) + ".png";
//if (postedFile != null)
// Load document
using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(file.FullName))
Bitmap tempBitmap = new Bitmap(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(tempBitmap))
graphics.DrawImage(bitmap, 0, 0);
// graphics.DrawLine();
Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
Font font = new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Italic, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
SizeF textSize = new SizeF();
textSize = graphics.MeasureString(value, font);
Point position = new Point(bitmap.Width - ((int)textSize.Width + 30), bitmap.Height - ((int)textSize.Height + 10));
graphics.DrawString((value + value1++), font, brush, position);
using (MemoryStream mStream = new MemoryStream())
mStream.Position = 0;
tempBitmap.Save(mStream, ImageFormat.Tiff);
string _path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/UploadedFolders"), file.Name);
var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
ViewBag.Message = ("RunTime " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
return View();
This solve the error However the output images are extremely small. My question is: how do I make the output stay as same size.
Note: if I watermark/draw on .png file this method works fine its .tif that gives me the issue. I don't know how to convert all files to .png then edit it and then convert it back to .tif maybe that is one approach thank you.
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public ActionResult Index(string text, int text1)
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Users\name\Desktop\images");
FileInfo[] files = dir.GetFiles();
string value = text;
int value1 = text1;
//string file = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(postedFile.FileName) + ".png";
foreach (FileInfo file in files)
// string newfile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FileName) + ".png";
//if (postedFile != null)
// Load document
using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(file.FullName))
Bitmap tempBitmap = new Bitmap(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(tempBitmap))
graphics.DrawImage(bitmap, 0, 0);
// graphics.DrawLine();
Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
Font font = new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Italic, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
SizeF textSize = new SizeF();
textSize = graphics.MeasureString(value, font);
Point position = new Point(bitmap.Width - ((int)textSize.Width + 30), bitmap.Height - ((int)textSize.Height + 10));
graphics.DrawString((value + value1++), font, brush, position);
using (MemoryStream mStream = new MemoryStream())
mStream.Position = 0;
tempBitmap.Save(mStream, ImageFormat.Tiff);
string _path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/UploadedFolders"), file.Name);
var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
ViewBag.Message = ("RunTime " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
return View();
This solve the error However the output images are extremely small. My question is: how do I make the output stay as same size.
Note: if I watermark/draw on .png file this method works fine its .tif that gives me the issue. I don't know how to convert all files to .png then edit it and then convert it back to .tif maybe that is one approach thank you.
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