Try install visual studo

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mica_G
  • Start date Start date


i try instal visua studio and
say needs elevation requeriments, but i open why administrador, and show me this menssage Screenshot and this log 2020-01-08T11:24:23 : Verbose : Visual Studio Installer (1.18.1104.625 : release) ["C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\Installer\\vs_installershell.exe","/finalizeInstall","install","--in","C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\Packages\\_bootstrapper\\vs_setup_bootstrapper_202001081123391383.json","--locale","pt-PT","--activityId","7ee726c5-e792-4ee6-aa25-fee8e83e106b","--campaign","1720165922.1544106104","--pipe","f101cf4e-1711-42bf-b3c2-8da111c84050"]
2020-01-08T11:24:24 : Verbose : Received the application ready notification
2020-01-08T11:24:24 : Verbose : ProgressBarService listening to ipc channel: progress-bar
2020-01-08T11:24:24 : Verbose : LoggerIpcRpcService listening to ipc channel: LoggerService
2020-01-08T11:24:24 : Verbose : LoggerIpcRpcService listening to ipc channel: LoggerService
2020-01-08T11:24:24 : Verbose : Telemetry Session ID: 658ecb2b-3eba-4c3a-834e-6b042907865e
2020-01-08T11:24:24 : Verbose : Starting ServiceHub Remote Settings client.
2020-01-08T11:24:24 : Verbose : Creating VS Telemetry Survey
2020-01-08T11:24:24 : Verbose : Creating commonError Service
2020-01-08T11:24:24 : Verbose : starting rpc process for common error
2020-01-08T11:24:24 : Verbose : RPC Factory: Get common error config provider
2020-01-08T11:24:24 : Verbose : FeaturesIpcRpcService listening to ipc channel: FeaturesProxy
2020-01-08T11:24:24 : Verbose : FeaturesIpcRpcService listening to ipc channel: FeaturesProxy
2020-01-08T11:24:24 : Verbose : Creating Start menu shortcut [shortcutName: Visual Studio Installer, targetPath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vs_installer.exe]
2020-01-08T11:24:24 : Verbose : Starting the setup updater service.
2020-01-08T11:24:24 : Verbose : Service creation finished
2020-01-08T11:24:24 : Verbose : Installation finalized successfully.
2020-01-08T11:24:24 : Verbose : FeedbackIpcRpcService listening to ipc channel: FeedbackProxy
2020-01-08T11:24:25 : Verbose : Window ready
2020-01-08T11:24:25 : Verbose : Getting installed product summaries. [installerId: SetupEngine]
2020-01-08T11:24:25 : Verbose : Starting the installed products provider service.
2020-01-08T11:24:25 : Verbose : Starting the products provider service.
2020-01-08T11:24:25 : Verbose : Getting product summaries. [installerId: SetupEngine]
2020-01-08T11:24:25 : Verbose : Starting the installer service.
2020-01-08T11:24:26 : Verbose : Calling SetupEngine.Installer.Initialize. [locale: en-US]
2020-01-08T11:24:26 : Verbose : Connected to Hub Controller's client watch 'net.pipe://1961aea851a0eb1dcefb3e2db541108c'
2020-01-08T11:24:26 : Verbose : Calling RemoteSettingsProviderService.Initialize(initializer) initializer: {"ClientName":"vs-xsetup","ClientVersion":"1.18.1104.625","RemoteSettingsFileName":"RemoteSettings_Installer.json","SerializedTelemetrySession":"{\"IsOptedIn\":true,\"Id\":\"658ecb2b-3eba-4c3a-834e-6b042907865e\",\"HostName\":\"Dev14\",\"AppInsightsInstrumentationKey\":\"f144292e-e3b2-4011-ac90-20e5c03fbce5\",\"AsimovInstrumentationKey\":\"aif-312cbd79-9dbb-4c48-a7da-3cc2a931cb70\",\"ProcessStartTime\":637140794641510000}","ChannelOrProductId":"VS Installer","AppIdGuid":"42123B45-5471-4B16-81E7-5404CD93BCF1","ClientLocale":"en-US","Flights":[]}}
2020-01-08T11:24:26 : Verbose : ServiceHub Remote Settings client started.
2020-01-08T11:24:26 : Verbose : Getting the survey rules
2020-01-08T11:24:26 : Verbose : Calling RemoteSettingsProviderService.GetActionsAsync(actionPath), actionPath: vs\installer\surveyactions
2020-01-08T11:24:26 : Verbose : Calling RemoteSettingsProviderService.GetBooleanValue(collectionPath, key, defaultValue) collectionPath: Installer\Features\, key: ProblemsDlgButtons, defaultValue: false
2020-01-08T11:24:26 : Verbose : Calling RemoteSettingsProviderService.GetBooleanValue(collectionPath, key, defaultValue) collectionPath: Installer\Features\, key: CommonError, defaultValue: false
2020-01-08T11:24:26 : Verbose : Calling RemoteSettingsProviderService.GetBooleanValue(collectionPath, key, defaultValue) collectionPath: Installer\Features\, key: ProblemsDlgRetry, defaultValue: false
2020-01-08T11:24:26 : Verbose : Calling RemoteSettingsProviderService.GetBooleanValue(collectionPath, key, defaultValue) collectionPath: Installer\Features\, key: InstallationOptionsPageKS, defaultValue: false
2020-01-08T11:24:26 : Verbose : Calling RemoteSettingsProviderService.GetBooleanValue(collectionPath, key, defaultValue) collectionPath: Installer\Features\, key: CloudNativeDesc, defaultValue: false
2020-01-08T11:24:26 : Verbose : Calling RemoteSettingsProviderService.GetBooleanValue(collectionPath, key, defaultValue) collectionPath: Installer\Features\, key: CloudFirstDesc, defaultValue: false
2020-01-08T11:24:26 : Verbose : Calling RemoteSettingsProviderService.GetBooleanValue(collectionPath, key, defaultValue) collectionPath: Installer\Features\, key: RecWklds, defaultValue: false
2020-01-08T11:24:26 : Verbose : Calling RemoteSettingsProviderService.GetBooleanValue(collectionPath, key, defaultValue) collectionPath: Installer\Features\, key: SortWklds, defaultValue: false
2020-01-08T11:24:26 : Verbose : Calling RemoteSettingsProviderService.GetBooleanValue(collectionPath, key, defaultValue) collectionPath: Installer\Features\, key: ShowBitrate, defaultValue: false
2020-01-08T11:24:26 : Verbose : Calling RemoteSettingsProviderService.GetBooleanValue(collectionPath, key, defaultValue) collectionPath: Installer\Features\, key: RecommendSel, defaultValue: false
2020-01-08T11:24:26 : Verbose : Calling RemoteSettingsProviderService.GetBooleanValue(collectionPath, key, defaultValue) collectionPath: Installer\Features\, key: Surveys, defaultValue: false
2020-01-08T11:24:26 : Verbose : Calling RemoteSettingsProviderService.GetActionsAsync(actionPath), actionPath: vs\installer\commonerroractions
2020-01-08T11:24:27 : Verbose : SetupEngine.Installer.Initialize reported error. [locale: en-US, ArgumentException: Could not deserialize to TelemetrySession object
Nome do parâmetro: serializedSession at ArgumentException: Could not deserialize to TelemetrySession object
Nome do parâmetro: serializedSession]
2020-01-08T11:24:27 : Error : Failed to start the installer service. error: Could not deserialize to TelemetrySession object
Nome do parâmetro: serializedSession at ArgumentException: Could not deserialize to TelemetrySession object
Nome do parâmetro: serializedSession
2020-01-08T11:24:27 : Verbose : Window showing
2020-01-08T11:24:27 : Verbose : Started the setup updater service.
2020-01-08T11:24:27 : Verbose : Pipe: \\.\pipe\f101cf4e-1711-42bf-b3c2-8da111c84050 connection is established
2020-01-08T11:24:27 : Verbose : Pipe is closed
2020-01-08T11:24:27 : Warning : CommonError service failed to send response to IPC: Could not deserialize to TelemetrySession object
Nome do parâmetro: serializedSession
2020-01-08T11:24:27 : Verbose : Dispatched ProductUpdateCheckStartedEvent event.
2020-01-08T11:24:27 : Error : Failed to start the products provider service. error: A referência de objecto não foi definida como uma instância de um objecto. at NullReferenceException: A referência de objecto não foi definida como uma instância de um objecto.
2020-01-08T11:24:27 : Error : Failed to start the installed products provider service. error: A referência de objecto não foi definida como uma instância de um objecto. at NullReferenceException: A referência de objecto não foi definida como uma instância de um objecto.
2020-01-08T11:24:27 : Error : Failed to get product summaries. [installerId: SetupEngine, error: A referência de objecto não foi definida como uma instância de um objecto. at System.NullReferenceException: A referência de objecto não foi definida como uma instância de um objecto.
em Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.ProductsProviderService.<Initialize>d__5.MoveNext()]
2020-01-08T11:24:27 : Error : Failed to get installed product summaries. [installerId: SetupEngine, error: A referência de objecto não foi definida como uma instância de um objecto. at System.NullReferenceException: A referência de objecto não foi definida como uma instância de um objecto.
em Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.ProductsProviderService.<Initialize>d__5.MoveNext()]
2020-01-08T11:24:27 : Verbose : Dispatched ProductUpdateCheckFinishedEvent event with wasManifestUpdated=false.
2020-01-08T11:30:07 : Verbose : Calling RemoteSettingsProviderService.GetActionsAsync(actionPath), actionPath: vs\installer\commonerroractions
2020-01-08T11:30:07 : Warning : CommonError service failed to send response to IPC: Could not deserialize to TelemetrySession object
Nome do parâmetro: serializedSession
2020-01-08T11:30:07 : Verbose : Getting installed product summaries. [installerId: SetupEngine]
2020-01-08T11:30:07 : Verbose : Starting the installed products provider service.
2020-01-08T11:30:07 : Verbose : Starting the products provider service.
2020-01-08T11:30:07 : Verbose : Getting product summaries. [installerId: SetupEngine]
2020-01-08T11:30:07 : Verbose : Starting the installer service.
2020-01-08T11:30:07 : Verbose : Calling SetupEngine.Installer.Initialize. [locale: en-US]
2020-01-08T11:30:07 : Error : Failed to start the products provider service. error: A referência de objecto não foi definida como uma instância de um objecto. at NullReferenceException: A referência de objecto não foi definida como uma instância de um objecto.
2020-01-08T11:30:07 : Error : Failed to start the installed products provider service. error: A referência de objecto não foi definida como uma instância de um objecto. at NullReferenceException: A referência de objecto não foi definida como uma instância de um objecto.
2020-01-08T11:30:07 : Error : Failed to get product summaries. [installerId: SetupEngine, error: A referência de objecto não foi definida como uma instância de um objecto. at System.NullReferenceException: A referência de objecto não foi definida como uma instância de um objecto.
em Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.ProductsProviderService.<Initialize>d__5.MoveNext()]
2020-01-08T11:30:07 : Error : Failed to get installed product summaries. [installerId: SetupEngine, error: A referência de objecto não foi definida como uma instância de um objecto. at System.NullReferenceException: A referência de objecto não foi definida como uma instância de um objecto.
em Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.ProductsProviderService.<Initialize>d__5.MoveNext()]
2020-01-08T11:30:07 : Verbose : SetupEngine.Installer.Initialize succeeded. [locale: en-US]
2020-01-08T11:30:07 : Verbose : Started the installer service.
2020-01-08T11:30:07 : Verbose : Calling SetupEngine.Installer.GetDriveInfo.
2020-01-08T11:30:07 : Verbose : Calling SetupEngine.Installer.IsElevated.
2020-01-08T11:30:08 : Verbose : SetupEngine.Installer.IsElevated succeeded.
2020-01-08T11:30:08 : Verbose : SetupEngine.Installer.GetDriveInfo succeeded.
2020-01-08T11:30:08 : Verbose : Dispatched ProductUpdateCheckStartedEvent event.
2020-01-08T11:30:08 : Verbose : Dispatched ProductUpdateCheckFinishedEvent event with wasManifestUpdated=false.

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