How to read reference column and print in output dynamic Template in windows C#.NET

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gani tpt
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Gani tpt

I have one critical requirement which we need to update data into dynamic output template.

I have reference column and dynamic output template.

First, i want to read the column (Column Name) from the reference sheet and create a master table like "Master table" in the Excel Sheet.

once we filled all the values based on the some process and calculation in the Master table,

then, we need to update those values in the Excel Template.

The thing is, we need to update the master table values based on the reference column (Reference Sheet ==> Excel_column) in the Output Template.

Note : Column will vary based on the Country_Name. So, we need to update the respective values in the output template.

How to update the column reference values in the dynamic output excel template?????

pls. refer below link for the sample excel file with content.

Reference Column - With Template.xlsx

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