Hi,I'm having trouble using transforms, this is the code I use:
std::vector<PT3D> vcen { PT3D{1,1}, PT3D{4,4}}; //List Center Point of Circles
std::vector<VT3D> vztor{ normalZ , normalZ }; //List vector Oz (0,0,1)
std::vector<float> vrad { 1 , 2 }; //List radius of Circles
//define Circles from 3 vector above then push to this vector
std::vector<CIR> vcir; //contains list circle
//Transform + Lambda -> creat list circle variable
std::transform(vcen.begin(), vcen.end(), vztor.begin(), vrad.begin(),
[](PT3D p1, VT3D v, float r)->{vcir.push_back(new CIR{p1,v,r})});
However this does not work, the errors I received:


where am i wrong? Please everyone help.....
Thanks you!
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std::vector<PT3D> vcen { PT3D{1,1}, PT3D{4,4}}; //List Center Point of Circles
std::vector<VT3D> vztor{ normalZ , normalZ }; //List vector Oz (0,0,1)
std::vector<float> vrad { 1 , 2 }; //List radius of Circles
//define Circles from 3 vector above then push to this vector
std::vector<CIR> vcir; //contains list circle
//Transform + Lambda -> creat list circle variable
std::transform(vcen.begin(), vcen.end(), vztor.begin(), vrad.begin(),
[](PT3D p1, VT3D v, float r)->{vcir.push_back(new CIR{p1,v,r})});
However this does not work, the errors I received:


where am i wrong? Please everyone help.....
Thanks you!
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