MFC hosted ActiveX with WPF UserControl, tabbing issue while traversing from mfc controls to WPF child controls.

  • Thread starter Thread starter trulyvimal
  • Start date Start date


Hi Guys,

I am facing a strange behavior with tab navigations dealing with a hybrid app : VC++ MFC dialog with .Net WPF UserControl hosted by activex.
For the first time, app follows correct tab order and navigates to each control one after the other.
However during second iteration tabbing from mfc control to wpf child controls, looks like the focus is retained to last control in wpf usercontrol, so while traversal the cursor jumps from mfc control to last control in wpf usercontrol.

I have tried setting, IsTabStop to true, and setting relative tabindex to the wpf child , still no luck.

Any leads will be helpful.

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