Hi all,
I'm developing a Windows Form program in VB.NET.
A PictureBox is in the Form. The PictureBox always shows an image from a file as a landscape image, even if it is portrait originally.
Me.PictureBox.Image = Image.FromFile(...file name with full path...)
Actual screenshot of the program.
OK: landscape image

NG: portrait originally

I don't use EXIF meta data if files have it.
When a file has EXIF data, a portrait image seems to be rotated as landscape (rotated with 90 degrees).
Ashidacchi -- ソフト開発の北窓舎(ほくそうしゃ)トップページ
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I'm developing a Windows Form program in VB.NET.
A PictureBox is in the Form. The PictureBox always shows an image from a file as a landscape image, even if it is portrait originally.
Me.PictureBox.Image = Image.FromFile(...file name with full path...)
Actual screenshot of the program.
OK: landscape image

NG: portrait originally

I don't use EXIF meta data if files have it.
When a file has EXIF data, a portrait image seems to be rotated as landscape (rotated with 90 degrees).
Ashidacchi -- ソフト開発の北窓舎(ほくそうしゃ)トップページ
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