Specter FXX-K
so I made a small P2P Program using TCP, and when I send large files, receiver end gets corrupted data, don't know what I can do to fix, I've been coding since 2015 but haven't really got back fully into it, still know how to code, just a little rusty right now.
here's my code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FileBucket.Service {
class SendFileService {
public FileProgressEventHandler FileSendProgress;
public FileSharedCompleteEventHandler FileSendComplete;
public ConnectEventHandler Connect;
public static int bufferSize = 4096;
TcpClient client;
private Task task = null;
public String FilePath { get; set; }
public long FileSize { get; private set; }
public SendFileService(String filePath) {
FilePath = filePath;
FileSize = new FileInfo(filePath).Length;
//Linstener for validation
Task.Run(() => {
TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(4975);
public void StartListening() {
Task.Run(() => {
if (Connect != null) Connect(Connection.Connecting);
client = FileShareService.GetNewClient();
if (Connect != null) Connect(Connection.Successful);
public void SendFileAsync() {
task = Task.Run(() => {
private void sendFile() {
using (Stream stream = client.GetStream()) {
//Send file size
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(FilePath);
int fileSize = (int) fileInfo.Length;
byte[] fileSizeBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(fileSize);
stream.Write(fileSizeBytes, 0, 4);
//Send file name
byte[] fileNamebytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(fileInfo.Name);
fileSizeBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(fileNamebytes.Length);
stream.Write(fileSizeBytes, 0, 4);
stream.Write(fileNamebytes, 0, fileNamebytes.Length);
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Open)) {
//int count = (int)(fileSize / bufferSize);
//int rest = (int)(fileSize % bufferSize);
//byte[] fileBytes = new byte[bufferSize];
//if (FileSendProgress == null) {
// for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// fileStream.Read(fileBytes, 0, bufferSize);
// System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10);
// stream.Write(fileBytes, 0, bufferSize);
// }
//} else {
// for (int i = 0; i < count
// fileStream.Read(fileBytes, 0, bufferSize);
// System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10);
// stream.Write(fileBytes, 0, bufferSize);
// i++;
// FileSendProgress(i / (double)count);
// }
////Rest Bytes
//fileBytes = new byte[rest];
//fileStream.Read(fileBytes, 0, rest);
//stream.Write(fileBytes, 0, rest);
byte[] fileBytes = new byte[fileSize];
fileStream.Read(fileBytes, 0, fileSize);
stream.Write(fileBytes, 0, fileSize);
if (FileSendProgress != null) FileSendProgress(1);
//File send competed
if (FileSendComplete != null) FileSendComplete();
public void CancelSending() {
these are split into "services"
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FileBucket.Service {
class ReceiveFileService {
public FileProgressEventHandler FileReceiveProgress;
public FileSharedCompleteEventHandler FileReceivedComplete;
public ConnectEventHandler Connect;
TcpClient client;
public static int bufferSize = 4096;
public String FilePath { get; set; }
public long FileSize { get; private set; }
public String HostName { get; set; }
public bool IsValidHostName() {
try {
TcpClient client = new TcpClient(HostName, 4975);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
return true;
public void ReceiveFileAsync() {
Task.Run(() => {
public void GetFileInfo() {
client = new TcpClient(HostName, config.Configuration.PORT);
Stream stream = client.GetStream();
//Receive file size
byte[] fileSizeBytes = new byte[4];
stream.Read(fileSizeBytes, 0, 4);
int fileSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(fileSizeBytes, 0);
FileSize = fileSize;
//Receive File name
stream.Read(fileSizeBytes, 0, 4);
int fileNameLen = BitConverter.ToInt32(fileSizeBytes, 0);
byte[] fileNamebytes = new byte[fileNameLen];
stream.Read(fileNamebytes, 0, fileNameLen);
string fileName = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(fileNamebytes);
FilePath = fileName;
private void ReceiveFile() {
using (Stream stream = client.GetStream()) {
if (Connect != null) Connect(Connection.Successful);
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Create)) {
//int count = (int)(fileSize / bufferSize);
//int rest = (int)(fileSize % bufferSize);
//byte[] fileBytes = new byte[bufferSize];
////TODO hard code replace this
//FilePath = "D:\\downloaded_image.jpg";
//if (FileReceiveProgress == null) {
// for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// stream.Read(fileBytes, 0, bufferSize);
// System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10);
// fileStream.Write(fileBytes, 0, bufferSize);
// }
//} else {
// for (int i = 0; i < count
// stream.Read(fileBytes, 0, bufferSize);
// System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10);
// fileStream.Write(fileBytes, 0, bufferSize);
// i++;
// FileReceiveProgress(i / (double)count);
// }
////Rest Bytes
//fileBytes = new byte[rest];
//stream.Read(fileBytes, 0, rest);
//fileStream.Write(fileBytes, 0, rest);
//if (FileReceiveProgress != null) FileReceiveProgress(1);
int fileSize = (int)FileSize;
byte[] fileBytes = new byte[fileSize];
stream.Read(fileBytes, 0, fileSize);
fileStream.Write(fileBytes, 0, fileSize);
if (FileReceiveProgress != null) FileReceiveProgress(1);
//File received complete
if (FileReceivedComplete != null) FileReceivedComplete();
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FileBucket.Service {
public delegate void FileProgressEventHandler(double progress);
public delegate void FileSharedCompleteEventHandler();
public delegate void ConnectEventHandler(Connection connection);
public enum Connection { Connecting, Successful}
class FileShareService {
private static TcpListener listner;
public static String HostName {
get {
return Dns.GetHostName();
public static int Port { get; private set; }
public static void StartListener() {
int port = config.Configuration.PORT;
//Generate port number
while (true) {
try {
listner = new TcpListener(port);
} catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException outOfRange) {
} catch (SocketException socketException) {
Port = port;
public static TcpClient GetNewClient() {
return listner.AcceptTcpClient();
public static void StopListener() {
Continue reading...
here's my code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FileBucket.Service {
class SendFileService {
public FileProgressEventHandler FileSendProgress;
public FileSharedCompleteEventHandler FileSendComplete;
public ConnectEventHandler Connect;
public static int bufferSize = 4096;
TcpClient client;
private Task task = null;
public String FilePath { get; set; }
public long FileSize { get; private set; }
public SendFileService(String filePath) {
FilePath = filePath;
FileSize = new FileInfo(filePath).Length;
//Linstener for validation
Task.Run(() => {
TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(4975);
public void StartListening() {
Task.Run(() => {
if (Connect != null) Connect(Connection.Connecting);
client = FileShareService.GetNewClient();
if (Connect != null) Connect(Connection.Successful);
public void SendFileAsync() {
task = Task.Run(() => {
private void sendFile() {
using (Stream stream = client.GetStream()) {
//Send file size
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(FilePath);
int fileSize = (int) fileInfo.Length;
byte[] fileSizeBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(fileSize);
stream.Write(fileSizeBytes, 0, 4);
//Send file name
byte[] fileNamebytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(fileInfo.Name);
fileSizeBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(fileNamebytes.Length);
stream.Write(fileSizeBytes, 0, 4);
stream.Write(fileNamebytes, 0, fileNamebytes.Length);
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Open)) {
//int count = (int)(fileSize / bufferSize);
//int rest = (int)(fileSize % bufferSize);
//byte[] fileBytes = new byte[bufferSize];
//if (FileSendProgress == null) {
// for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// fileStream.Read(fileBytes, 0, bufferSize);
// System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10);
// stream.Write(fileBytes, 0, bufferSize);
// }
//} else {
// for (int i = 0; i < count

// fileStream.Read(fileBytes, 0, bufferSize);
// System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10);
// stream.Write(fileBytes, 0, bufferSize);
// i++;
// FileSendProgress(i / (double)count);
// }
////Rest Bytes
//fileBytes = new byte[rest];
//fileStream.Read(fileBytes, 0, rest);
//stream.Write(fileBytes, 0, rest);
byte[] fileBytes = new byte[fileSize];
fileStream.Read(fileBytes, 0, fileSize);
stream.Write(fileBytes, 0, fileSize);
if (FileSendProgress != null) FileSendProgress(1);
//File send competed
if (FileSendComplete != null) FileSendComplete();
public void CancelSending() {
these are split into "services"
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FileBucket.Service {
class ReceiveFileService {
public FileProgressEventHandler FileReceiveProgress;
public FileSharedCompleteEventHandler FileReceivedComplete;
public ConnectEventHandler Connect;
TcpClient client;
public static int bufferSize = 4096;
public String FilePath { get; set; }
public long FileSize { get; private set; }
public String HostName { get; set; }
public bool IsValidHostName() {
try {
TcpClient client = new TcpClient(HostName, 4975);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
return true;
public void ReceiveFileAsync() {
Task.Run(() => {
public void GetFileInfo() {
client = new TcpClient(HostName, config.Configuration.PORT);
Stream stream = client.GetStream();
//Receive file size
byte[] fileSizeBytes = new byte[4];
stream.Read(fileSizeBytes, 0, 4);
int fileSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(fileSizeBytes, 0);
FileSize = fileSize;
//Receive File name
stream.Read(fileSizeBytes, 0, 4);
int fileNameLen = BitConverter.ToInt32(fileSizeBytes, 0);
byte[] fileNamebytes = new byte[fileNameLen];
stream.Read(fileNamebytes, 0, fileNameLen);
string fileName = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(fileNamebytes);
FilePath = fileName;
private void ReceiveFile() {
using (Stream stream = client.GetStream()) {
if (Connect != null) Connect(Connection.Successful);
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Create)) {
//int count = (int)(fileSize / bufferSize);
//int rest = (int)(fileSize % bufferSize);
//byte[] fileBytes = new byte[bufferSize];
////TODO hard code replace this
//FilePath = "D:\\downloaded_image.jpg";
//if (FileReceiveProgress == null) {
// for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// stream.Read(fileBytes, 0, bufferSize);
// System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10);
// fileStream.Write(fileBytes, 0, bufferSize);
// }
//} else {
// for (int i = 0; i < count

// stream.Read(fileBytes, 0, bufferSize);
// System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10);
// fileStream.Write(fileBytes, 0, bufferSize);
// i++;
// FileReceiveProgress(i / (double)count);
// }
////Rest Bytes
//fileBytes = new byte[rest];
//stream.Read(fileBytes, 0, rest);
//fileStream.Write(fileBytes, 0, rest);
//if (FileReceiveProgress != null) FileReceiveProgress(1);
int fileSize = (int)FileSize;
byte[] fileBytes = new byte[fileSize];
stream.Read(fileBytes, 0, fileSize);
fileStream.Write(fileBytes, 0, fileSize);
if (FileReceiveProgress != null) FileReceiveProgress(1);
//File received complete
if (FileReceivedComplete != null) FileReceivedComplete();
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FileBucket.Service {
public delegate void FileProgressEventHandler(double progress);
public delegate void FileSharedCompleteEventHandler();
public delegate void ConnectEventHandler(Connection connection);
public enum Connection { Connecting, Successful}
class FileShareService {
private static TcpListener listner;
public static String HostName {
get {
return Dns.GetHostName();
public static int Port { get; private set; }
public static void StartListener() {
int port = config.Configuration.PORT;
//Generate port number
while (true) {
try {
listner = new TcpListener(port);
} catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException outOfRange) {
} catch (SocketException socketException) {
Port = port;
public static TcpClient GetNewClient() {
return listner.AcceptTcpClient();
public static void StopListener() {
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