Gani tpt
I am struggling last few days to print data table value in particular excel column.
I have the master table with data.
When i print master table data to excel, there is a condition to swap the column based on the reference table data
and print.
Read the master table. screen shot below

While printing the data into excel, first refer the column as mentioned below and swap the column and then print

Final Output in the excel after swaping the columns.
Note : pls. note down the master table and output in excel, there will be swaping the columns.
since the column has been refrenced.

My Source Code :
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
using Microsoft.Office;
namespace WinForm
public partial class Form1 : Form
public string country = string.Empty;
public Excel.Application xlApp = null;
public Excel.Workbook XLWB = null;
public Excel.Worksheet wsht = null;
int IdxCurr = 0;
int IdxPrev = 0;
string colLineNoToPrint;
public Form1()
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
country = comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString();
DataTable boundTable = new DataTable();
DataTable dtRefColumn = RefColumn();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(country))
IEnumerable<DataRow> query = from customer in dtRefColumn.AsEnumerable()
where customer.Field<string>("Country_Name") == country
select customer;
boundTable = query.CopyToDataTable<DataRow>();
DataTable dtMaster = dtMasterData();
//print data to output template according to reference column
SaveToExcel(dtMaster, dtRefColumn, country);
public void SaveToExcel(DataTable dtMaster, DataTable dtReftable, string country)
xlApp = new Excel.Application();
wsht = xlApp.Worksheets.Add();
wsht.Name = "S2";
if (dtMaster.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < dtMaster.Rows.Count; i++)
//************* Struggling to print rows from here ****************
DataView dv = new DataView(dtMaster);
DataTable dt = dv.ToTable(true, dtMaster.Columns.ToString());
//Get Column Name
string colname = dtMaster.Columns.ToString();
//Get Reference column
string RefCol = (dtReftable.AsEnumerable().Where(p => p.Field<string>("Country_Name") == country && p.Field<string>("Column_Name") == colname).Select(p => p.Field<string>("Excel_column"))).FirstOrDefault();
int TotRows = dtMaster.Rows.Count;
TotRows = 12 + TotRows;
//To Print : Excel rows Should start to print from Rows 10
wsht.Cells[10] = dt.Rows.ToString();
//************* Struggling to print rows from here ****************
xlApp.Visible = true;
public static DataTable dtMasterData()
DataTable tblData = new DataTable();
tblData.Columns.Add("Prod_ID", typeof(string));
tblData.Columns.Add("Prod_Name", typeof(string));
tblData.Columns.Add("Prod_Quantity", typeof(string));
tblData.Columns.Add("Prod_Expiry", typeof(string));
tblData.Columns.Add("Prod_Manf_Date", typeof(string));
tblData.Columns.Add("Prod_Region", typeof(string));
tblData.Columns.Add("Prod_Head", typeof(string));
tblData.Rows.Add("2020-1A", "Horlicks", "5000", "10-Jun-20", "05-Jan-20", "NewYork", "Sharuk");
tblData.Rows.Add("2020-1B", "VIVA", "2000", "10-Jun-20", "05-Jan-20", "California", "Amit");
tblData.Rows.Add("2020-1C", "Complan", "30000", "10-Jun-20", "05-Jan-20", "Mexico", "John");
tblData.Rows.Add("2020-1D", "Bournvita", "10000", "10-Jun-20", "05-Jan-20", "NewJersy", "Rauf");
return tblData;
public static DataTable RefColumn()
DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
dataTable.Columns.Add("Column_ID", typeof(string));
dataTable.Columns.Add("Column_Name", typeof(string));
dataTable.Columns.Add("Excel_column", typeof(string));
dataTable.Columns.Add("Country_Name", typeof(string));
dataTable.Columns.Add("Status", typeof(string));
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_ID", "Prod.No", "H", "USA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Name", "Prod.Name", "A", "USA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Quantity", "Quantity", "C", "USA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Expiry", "Expiry Date", "D", "USA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Manf_Date", "Manufacturing Date", "E", "USA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Region", "Region", "B", "USA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Head", "Head of Region", "G", "USA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_ID", "Prod. No", "B", "UK", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Name", "Prod. Name", "A", "UK", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Quantity", "Quantity", "X", "UK", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Expiry", "Expiry Date", "M", "UK", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Manf_Date", "Manufacturing Date", "N", "UK", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Region", "Region", "O", "UK", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Head", "Head of Region", "K", "UK", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_ID", "Prod. No", "A", "INDIA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Name", "Prod. Name", "B", "INDIA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Quantity", "Quantity", "C", "INDIA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Expiry", "Expiry Date", "D", "INDIA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Manf_Date", "Manufacturing Date", "E", "INDIA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Region", "Region", "F", "INDIA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Head", "Head of Region", "F", "INDIA", "Active");
return dataTable;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
pls. have a look inside the code, and let me know where we have to change the code to print appropriate columns in excel...
Waiting for favourable reply.
Continue reading...
I have the master table with data.
When i print master table data to excel, there is a condition to swap the column based on the reference table data
and print.
Read the master table. screen shot below

While printing the data into excel, first refer the column as mentioned below and swap the column and then print

Final Output in the excel after swaping the columns.
Note : pls. note down the master table and output in excel, there will be swaping the columns.
since the column has been refrenced.

My Source Code :
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
using Microsoft.Office;
namespace WinForm
public partial class Form1 : Form
public string country = string.Empty;
public Excel.Application xlApp = null;
public Excel.Workbook XLWB = null;
public Excel.Worksheet wsht = null;
int IdxCurr = 0;
int IdxPrev = 0;
string colLineNoToPrint;
public Form1()
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
country = comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString();
DataTable boundTable = new DataTable();
DataTable dtRefColumn = RefColumn();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(country))
IEnumerable<DataRow> query = from customer in dtRefColumn.AsEnumerable()
where customer.Field<string>("Country_Name") == country
select customer;
boundTable = query.CopyToDataTable<DataRow>();
DataTable dtMaster = dtMasterData();
//print data to output template according to reference column
SaveToExcel(dtMaster, dtRefColumn, country);
public void SaveToExcel(DataTable dtMaster, DataTable dtReftable, string country)
xlApp = new Excel.Application();
wsht = xlApp.Worksheets.Add();
wsht.Name = "S2";
if (dtMaster.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < dtMaster.Rows.Count; i++)
//************* Struggling to print rows from here ****************
DataView dv = new DataView(dtMaster);
DataTable dt = dv.ToTable(true, dtMaster.Columns.ToString());
//Get Column Name
string colname = dtMaster.Columns.ToString();
//Get Reference column
string RefCol = (dtReftable.AsEnumerable().Where(p => p.Field<string>("Country_Name") == country && p.Field<string>("Column_Name") == colname).Select(p => p.Field<string>("Excel_column"))).FirstOrDefault();
int TotRows = dtMaster.Rows.Count;
TotRows = 12 + TotRows;
//To Print : Excel rows Should start to print from Rows 10
wsht.Cells[10] = dt.Rows.ToString();
//************* Struggling to print rows from here ****************
xlApp.Visible = true;
public static DataTable dtMasterData()
DataTable tblData = new DataTable();
tblData.Columns.Add("Prod_ID", typeof(string));
tblData.Columns.Add("Prod_Name", typeof(string));
tblData.Columns.Add("Prod_Quantity", typeof(string));
tblData.Columns.Add("Prod_Expiry", typeof(string));
tblData.Columns.Add("Prod_Manf_Date", typeof(string));
tblData.Columns.Add("Prod_Region", typeof(string));
tblData.Columns.Add("Prod_Head", typeof(string));
tblData.Rows.Add("2020-1A", "Horlicks", "5000", "10-Jun-20", "05-Jan-20", "NewYork", "Sharuk");
tblData.Rows.Add("2020-1B", "VIVA", "2000", "10-Jun-20", "05-Jan-20", "California", "Amit");
tblData.Rows.Add("2020-1C", "Complan", "30000", "10-Jun-20", "05-Jan-20", "Mexico", "John");
tblData.Rows.Add("2020-1D", "Bournvita", "10000", "10-Jun-20", "05-Jan-20", "NewJersy", "Rauf");
return tblData;
public static DataTable RefColumn()
DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
dataTable.Columns.Add("Column_ID", typeof(string));
dataTable.Columns.Add("Column_Name", typeof(string));
dataTable.Columns.Add("Excel_column", typeof(string));
dataTable.Columns.Add("Country_Name", typeof(string));
dataTable.Columns.Add("Status", typeof(string));
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_ID", "Prod.No", "H", "USA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Name", "Prod.Name", "A", "USA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Quantity", "Quantity", "C", "USA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Expiry", "Expiry Date", "D", "USA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Manf_Date", "Manufacturing Date", "E", "USA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Region", "Region", "B", "USA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Head", "Head of Region", "G", "USA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_ID", "Prod. No", "B", "UK", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Name", "Prod. Name", "A", "UK", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Quantity", "Quantity", "X", "UK", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Expiry", "Expiry Date", "M", "UK", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Manf_Date", "Manufacturing Date", "N", "UK", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Region", "Region", "O", "UK", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Head", "Head of Region", "K", "UK", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_ID", "Prod. No", "A", "INDIA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Name", "Prod. Name", "B", "INDIA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Quantity", "Quantity", "C", "INDIA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Expiry", "Expiry Date", "D", "INDIA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Manf_Date", "Manufacturing Date", "E", "INDIA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Region", "Region", "F", "INDIA", "Active");
dataTable.Rows.Add("Prod_Head", "Head of Region", "F", "INDIA", "Active");
return dataTable;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
pls. have a look inside the code, and let me know where we have to change the code to print appropriate columns in excel...
Waiting for favourable reply.
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