c# guy here
can you please confirm me please if the following is a valid vb code
IVTPXML() As Byte = {&H13, &H14, &H53, &H18, &H30, &HA1, &H3D, &H1F}
this was given to me by a client
i dont even know if it's a function declaration, an array .... etc
and what can the equivalent c# code to it
thanks .
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c# guy here

can you please confirm me please if the following is a valid vb code
IVTPXML() As Byte = {&H13, &H14, &H53, &H18, &H30, &HA1, &H3D, &H1F}
this was given to me by a client
i dont even know if it's a function declaration, an array .... etc
and what can the equivalent c# code to it
thanks .
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