I am new to programming and using VB and SQL, however i have been tasked to create a from within VB to schedule jobs to be completed throughout the night so we can track what has been completed, by whom and when and any comments that have been in regard to the work been carried out, so i have created an SQL database since we use SQL in house a lot it seemed sensible to use it since we have servers hosting SQL databases. the issue i have is that i can insert, update and delete into and from both tables however if i have created a data table displaying both table in a datagridview and linked both tables with the JobID column the problem occurs and i get a little lost when i have to complete a job that is not in ascending order so i have 6 jobs in Scheduled Work table if i insert or update the Competed table it either adds a new row going to 7 or updates an existing one which is ok but if i want to complete job 5 before 7 am i not sure what the statement should be as this would have to be an insert statement that would reference the JobID column seen as this is the primary key on both tables.
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