I created an Angular Web app from the template in VS2019 Version 16.5.0 Preview 2.0. I made no changes to the code except to comment out the line that says "spa.UseAngularCliServer(npmScript: "start");" for develoment and published it.
When putting this published code into an IIS folder and bringing up the web site, the site failed to run (blank page) and kept giving errors of the nature "Resource interpreted as Stylesheet but transferred with MIME type text/html". It failed to load any css or js files at all.
After spending all day on researching why this might be I found that by moving those stylesheet and javascript files from the "ClientApp/dist" folder that was created during the build/publish to the "wwwroot" folder all my errors disappeared.
Is this a bug? Shouldn't those file types have been placed in the wwwroot folder during the publish process? It seems foolish to put it in a different folder and then have to move them manually just to get a web site working ....
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When putting this published code into an IIS folder and bringing up the web site, the site failed to run (blank page) and kept giving errors of the nature "Resource interpreted as Stylesheet but transferred with MIME type text/html". It failed to load any css or js files at all.
After spending all day on researching why this might be I found that by moving those stylesheet and javascript files from the "ClientApp/dist" folder that was created during the build/publish to the "wwwroot" folder all my errors disappeared.
Is this a bug? Shouldn't those file types have been placed in the wwwroot folder during the publish process? It seems foolish to put it in a different folder and then have to move them manually just to get a web site working ....
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