Hello, with the editbox I use setdlgitemtext to set text
But with listbox, which method should I use to set text?
In addition, a little silly I would like to ask more about Clistbox is the type of MFC dialog box, how is it different from listbox control?
thanks a lot!

Edit: I added a variable (private) and a new function setText to the class, currently I am having a problem with DoDataExchange that doesn't seem to automatically activate.
Can someone tell me the reason?

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But with listbox, which method should I use to set text?
In addition, a little silly I would like to ask more about Clistbox is the type of MFC dialog box, how is it different from listbox control?
thanks a lot!

Edit: I added a variable (private) and a new function setText to the class, currently I am having a problem with DoDataExchange that doesn't seem to automatically activate.
Can someone tell me the reason?

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