How can I protect a server credetials stored in App.config?

  • Thread starter Thread starter nopatch4humancruelty
  • Start date Start date


Hi, I have implemented two components, Client and Server, where the former connects in SSH to the latter through Renci.SSH.

The Server credentials useful for connection through the SftpClient constructor

SftpClient client = new SftpClient(serverIP, serverPort, serverName, serverPassword);



are stored in the Client configuration file (App.Config), in order to not insert them statically in the code. Those credentials are in the AppSettings section of the App.Config:



<add key="SERVER IP" value="xx.xx.xx.xx"/>
<add key="SERVER PORT" value="22"/>
<add key="SERVER USERNAME" value="Username"/>
<add key="SERVER PASSWORD" value="Password"/>



and they are retrieved through the ConfigurationManager class. But those credetials are unencrypted and this is a problem.

The AppSettings section contains other app settings that can stay unenctypted!

How can I protect/encrypt those appsettings (SERVER IP, SERVER PORT, SERVER USERNAME, SERVER PASSWORD) in my App.Config file?

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